本文关键词:激光大气传输中的相位奇点和光学涡旋及其演化特性研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 大气光学 奇点光学 大气传输 大气湍流 相位奇点 光学涡旋
[Abstract]:Laser propagation in turbulent atmosphere, the amplitude and phase of light will lead to random fluctuations, receiving plane light field intensity fluctuation and phase distortion. In effect under the condition of strong turbulence, there will be some distortion intensity is zero and phase uncertain point light field, these points are called phase singularities. There is a phase singularity which brings great difficulties to the traditional adaptive optics wavefront measurement and correction to the astronomical observations, laser communication, laser weapon engineering and many other challenges. In order to improve the correction capability of adaptive optical system, it is necessary on the evolution properties of phase singularities of laser transmission in the atmosphere is studied. The intensity of the vortex center beam zero and carrying phase singularities have attracted extensive attention due to its unique properties. When the vortex beam propagation in turbulent atmosphere, the transmission medium will cause the intensity fluctuation Well, the beam spreading optical vortex drift. In addition, the topological charge of vortex beam can be used as the carrier of information for free space optical communication. Therefore, it is necessary to intensity distribution in the turbulent atmosphere of vortex beam, beam propagation and optical vortex evolution characteristics. This paper studied the laser level in the atmosphere in the slant, the uplink and downlink transmission, the evolution characteristics of light field distortion in phase singularities by turbulence perturbation; then the Laguerre Gauss vortex beam as an example, the light intensity distribution of vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence is studied systematically on the beam spreading, transmission characteristics and determine the topology of optical vortex vortex beam bearing the drift; finally discusses the characteristics of non diffraction Bessel beam in turbulent atmosphere beam width extension and phase number of singular points density. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows 1.: the numerical simulation of laser propagation in atmosphere, the evolution characteristics of light field distortion in phase singularities by turbulence disturbance. The simulation results show that the phase singularities will be produced in pairs; the opposite polarity of phase singularities with wavefront propagates; phase singularities of the relative position and distance change in communication in the process of relationship; phase singularities will pair annihilation.2. numerical simulation of the laser generated in a turbulent atmosphere, the odd number phase density and turbulence parameters, these parameters include the transmission distance, turbulence intensity, laser wavelength, turbulence inner scale and outer scale. The calculation results show that when the other transmission conditions when a certain number of singular points respectively with increasing phase density and turbulence intensity of the transmission distance increased, and decreased with increasing turbulence inner scale and laser wavelength; and the number of dense phase singularities The degree is not affected by the outer scale of turbulence numerical simulation of the effect of.3. laser in horizontal turbulent atmosphere, changes of two kinds of transmission under the condition of the phase number of singular points density. One is the weak turbulence but the transmission distance is very long; the other is a short transmission distance but the turbulence is very strong, these two kinds of situations can produce strong turbulence effect. The results show that the influence of turbulence intensity on the phase density is greater than the number of singular points affect the transmission distance of the phase change process of the odd number density; different transmission conditions of phase number of singular points density with Rytov index is different, but the relationship between them is consistent with the Logistic statistical formula.4. to simulate the change with the height of the process of laser transmission in atmospheric turbulence from the ground to the air vertical upward distortion in the light field transmission phase. When the number of singular points density transmission height, main mode The two laser transmission process: one is the fixed laser wavelength, the turbulence intensity change of the transmission path; the other is a fixed transmission path in turbulence intensity, changes in emission wavelength of the laser. The results show that the phase number of singular points density with the increase of the height of the transmission process can be divided into four different when the wavelength of the laser emission region; when the transmission of near ground surface turbulence intensity corresponding to the different phase of odd points density peak height is different, the stronger the turbulence is, the peak phase number of singular points density is higher, the corresponding transmission height is lower; when the turbulence intensity distribution at the corresponding transmission in distorted optical field phase singular points density peak height was not affected by the wavelength of the laser. In addition, the curve fitting of the simulation results showed that under different conditions of phase singular points density With the change of the height of the transmission relationship is very similar to the blackbody radiation formula.5. simulation of laser beam propagation in turbulent atmosphere from the ground to the air oblique propagation, phase change characteristics of odd points density. The results show that the oblique propagation of phase singular points density change with the transmission distance of the process is very similar to the uplink transmission phase odd the number density changes with the height of the transmission process; the turbulence intensity is fixed near the ground, when the transmission distance, the beam emission zenith angle increases, appear distorted optical field phase in the odd points greater density and phase singularity density reached the maximum when the corresponding transmission distance is longer; when the zenith angle of emission and the transmission distance, turbulence intensity near the ground surface is stronger, the distortion of light field phase in the number of singular points higher density.6. simulation of laser beam propagation in turbulent air from a vertical downward transmission To the ground when the number of singular points density variation of phase distortion in the light field. The results show that the position of the light source from the ground is higher in the high position of the distorted optical field will produce phase singularities, the distortion of phase singularities in the light field density and arrived at the plane of the larger phase; the odd points density with height decrease monotonously increased and near the ground plane reaches a maximum at.7. (LG) with Laguerre Gauss beam as an example, the simulation of the vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence intensity in the plane perpendicular to the direction of transmission in distribution. The results show that when the vortex beam propagating in turbulent atmosphere when the light intensity changes from the original hollow beam of flat topped beam, and eventually evolved into the Gauss beam in the far field. The evolution of intensity profile and the phase singularity and the disappearance of the transmission distance, turbulence intensity, turbulent outer scale vortex. Optical beam topological number, the beam waist width and beam wavelength, and has nothing to do with the inner scale of turbulence. For the same vortex beam, the transmission distance is far more turbulent intensity and turbulent outer scale is larger, the greater the effect of light intensity distribution. For different vortex beam, the topological charge of the high waist is narrow and the longer wavelength, the intensity distribution of the effect is small, easy to maintain its original intensity and phase distribution of.8. numerical influence of atmospheric turbulence on the vortex beam width spreading in a turbulent atmosphere were simulated. The results show that the transmission distance is longer or more strong turbulence, vortex beams propagating in in the turbulent atmosphere when the beam width is more affected by turbulence; topological charge of vortex beam with higher beam waists smaller or longer wavelength, the beam width extension affected by atmospheric turbulence decreases with the turbulence inner scale; Increase or the decrease of the outer scale of turbulence, the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the beam spreading will increase, but the influence is relatively small. In addition, also compared the difference of beam vortex beams and ordinary Gauss beam due to turbulence induced expansion. The results show that the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the ordinary Gauss beam width spreading is greater than the expansion of the vortex the beam width effect of.9. through numerical analysis of in-plane phase singularities receiving algebraic and topological charge (referred to as AS-PS), the AS-PS is approximately equal to the topological charge of the vortex beam incident. The conclusion presents a method of determining the topology in the atmospheric turbulence vortex beam bearing - phase singularities and algebraic method. This method can be effective to eliminate the effects of turbulence and reduce the error of determining the topological charge. The transmission parameters are investigated, and the effects of the beam parameters detection system to determine the diameter of AS-PS. The results show that the vortex The propagation distance in the turbulent atmosphere is shorter, the turbulence intensity is weaker, the topological charge of vortex beam incidence is low, determine the standard deviation of the topology of vortex beam bearing using this method; reasonable choice of vortex beam waist will also increase the accuracy of the method; detection aperture is approximately equal to the spot size of vortex beam transmitted to the main on the surface of the probe, and the relative error of phase singularities of algebraic and topological charge of the vortex beam incident is minimum, the conclusion can give the quantitative design of detector aperture and provided a reference for the.10. simulation of optical vortex research in receiving the different position of the frequency drift characteristics of the optical vortex in a turbulent atmosphere. From the simulation results the frequency, or probability of optical vortex in different position of the receiving surface satisfies Gauss distribution. With the increase of the transmission distance, enhanced or incident optical vortex turbulence Increase the beam topological charge, the statistical properties of the optical vortex position no longer satisfies Gauss distribution. In addition, will reduce the incidence of optical vortex vortex beam waist appropriate selection drift. These conclusions can be used as vortex beams in free space optical communication to provide a reference for.11. discussed the characteristic changes caused by Bessel beam transmission in the turbulent atmosphere when the beam width extension and phase number of singular points density. The results show that, compared with the zero order Bessel beam and zero order Bessel Gauss beams, Bessel - Gauss vortex beams by atmospheric turbulence caused by the beam width of the optical vortex and its extended degree minimum carried under certain conditions is not affected by turbulence the carrier, namely Bessel vortex beam is more suitable for the information of free space optical communication.
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