本文关键词:高频波段雷达目标特征提取与识别方法研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 高频波段雷达 目标识别 极点提取 留数 混叠
【摘要】:高频波段时舰船和飞机目标处于谐振区,谐振区雷达目标散射特性携带了目标的形状、尺寸等本原信息,其中的极点特征是由目标本身固有属性如形状、尺寸等决定,是迄今为止发现的唯一与入射波形、极化、姿态无关的目标本征特征量。利用极点特征进行目标识别可克服多频特征随方位变化的缺点,克服环境影响,这一特点使高频波段雷达基于极点进行目标识别具有很大潜力。基于此研究背景,本文主要工作围绕以下四方面进行:目标回波数据获取;极点特征提取方法研究;基于极点目标识别方法研究;工程实践。首先获取目标回波数据。用曲面几何建模方法改进了以往线框几何建模方法,提出了一种基于FEMAP软件的适合谐振区RCS计算的复杂目标曲面建模方法,结合应用改进了现有剖分规则,实现了通过仿真计算获取更准确的目标RCS。利用一阶海杂波获取准确的高频地波超视距雷达舰船目标实测RCS。利用实测RCS验证了曲面建模方法的可靠性。在总结对比大量复杂目标模型仿真计算结果基础上,首次提出高频波段雷达复杂目标的建模准则,解决了建模工作量大和硬件条件要求高的问题。深入研究已有回波数据计算方法,提出一种新的基于快速多极子和矩量法的混合算法(Fast Multipole Method-Method of Momen,FMM-Mo M),可有效提高运算速度、降低内存需求。确立了基于实际操作的高频波段雷达复杂目标回波特性计算的规范化流程,为极点特征提取与目标识别提供了精确的数据基础。第二步对回波数据提取极点特征。深入分析现有极点提取技术路线的难点。提出了一种新的基于自回归滑动平均模型(Autoregressive and Moving Average Mixed Model,ARMA)的极点提取方法,解决早晚期响应混叠问题;将新方法参数与实际物理意义结合,解决参数依赖问题;提出采用特征极点选取法、多方位修正法及滑动窗修正法相结合的三步修正方法,解决方位不一致问题;利用此极点提取方法给出了高频波段复杂目标的极点提取结果,并通过大量实验与前人方法对比验证本方法的有效性。首次分析了复杂目标的尺寸以及各结构对极点分布趋势的影响,为基于极点进行目标识别提供理论依据。第三步进行基于极点的目标识别方法研究。提出一种基于极点数据的留数选频的多频排队识别方法(Residue Order Frequency Selection Method,ROF)使基于极点的识别统一建立在极点数据基础上,首次将基于极点的目标识别成功应用于高频波段雷达。对此方法进行改进,将基于留数最大值的排序选频方法和支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM)相结合,提出新的R-SVM识别方法,可在选频同时实现对数据库中目标的有效识别。至此建立了完整的基于极点进行目标识别系统的理论流程,为工程化实践提供了理论基础。最后研究了方法的工程化实践应用。针对高频地波超视距雷达回波受到海态影响、传播损耗和系统增益影响问题。提出一种对高频波段雷达环境影响进行修正补偿的方法。深入分析海态对舰船目标影响情况,提出根据海态情况规律性运动来模拟摇摆影响;详细分析计算传输损耗和系统增益并分别进行补偿修正,三者综合得到一个总的舰船回波数据修正补偿公式,因为飞机不用考虑海态影响,又给出了飞机特有的回波修正补偿计算公式,得到复杂目标修正后数据回波,针对实际雷达发射资源有限、回波按顺序依次返回且当目标是不在库中类型时需对其拒判的问题,在R-SVM算法基础上融合门限最近邻分类算法(Threshold Nearest Neighbor,TNN),对修正后回波数据用扩展后的R-SVM-TNN方法进行大量随机识别实验,对舰船和飞机目标实现了有效识别,证明了修正补偿方法和本文的基于极点进行目标识别理论是有效的,为频域目标识别方法在工程实际应用提供了理论基础。
[Abstract]:High frequency band of ships and aircraft target in resonance region, scattering characteristics of radar target in resonance region with the shape, size and other primitive information, which is composed of target pole characteristics inherent properties such as shape, size, is by far the only incident wave polarization, the intrinsic characteristic attitude independent the target. Target recognition can overcome the multi frequency characteristics variation with azimuth using pole characteristics of faults, to overcome the environmental impact, the characteristics of the high frequency band radar based on pole target recognition has great potential. Based on this research background, this paper is mainly focused on the following four aspects: the target echo data acquisition; extraction method of pole Characteristics Research on target recognition method based on pole;; engineering practice. First get the target echo data. With the method of modeling of surface geometry improves the wireframe geometry modeling This paper presents a calculation method of FEMAP software for RCS resonance method based on surface modeling of complex targets, improve the existing subdivision rules combined with the application, realized by simulation to obtain more accurate target RCS. using first-order sea clutter to obtain accurate HF ground wave over the horizon radar ship target test to verify the reliability of RCS. surface modeling method using the measured RCS. In a large number of complex object models are summarized and compared the simulation results based on the modeling criterion is proposed for the first time in high frequency band radar target complex, to solve the modeling workload and hardware of a demanding problem. The deep research on the echo data calculation method, the paper presents a new hybrid algorithm for fast multipole and based on the method of moments (Fast Multipole Method-Method of Momen, FMM-Mo M), can effectively improve the speed and reduce memory requirements were established based on the actual. High frequency band radar operation complex standard process calculation of the target echo characteristics, provides accurate data base for pole feature extraction and target recognition. The second step pole characteristics of echo data extraction. The difficulty of in-depth analysis of existing pole extraction technology route. Put forward a new model based on the autoregressive moving average (Autoregressive and Moving Average Mixed Model, ARMA) method to extract the poles, solve the aliasing problem of early and late response; the new method of combining with the actual physical meaning of parameters, solve the parameter dependent problems; the characteristics of point selection method, three step correction method combining multi azimuth correction method and sliding window correction method, to solve the problem of inconsistent orientation the extraction method is given; the target frequency band of complex poles extraction results using the pole, and this method is verified by comparison with previous methods have a large number of experiments Effect of complex targets is analyzed for the first time. The size and the effect of the structure of the pole distribution trend, based on the pole of target identification and provide a theoretical basis. The study of target recognition based on the pole in third steps. This paper proposes a multi frequency selective residue pole data queuing identification method based on Residue (Order Frequency Selection Method. ROF) make pole recognition based on established at the poles on the basis of the data for the first time, target recognition based on pole successfully applied in high frequency band radar. This method will be improved, based on the maximum residue sort of frequency selection method and support vector machine (Support Vector Machines, SVM) combined with the proposed R-SVM new recognition method, at the same time to achieve effective recognition of the target database in frequency. Thus the establishment of a complete process based on pole theory of target recognition system, for the project Provides a theoretical basis for the practice. Finally the engineering application method. According to the hfsw radar echo by sea state, propagation loss and system gain. A method is proposed to compensate for the high frequency band radar environment. Analysis of influence of sea state on the ship target depth is proposed according to the state laws to simulate the effect of rolling motion; with analysis and calculation of transmission loss and gain of the system were compensation, three comprehensive correction formula of compensation for a total ship echo data for aircraft without considering the influence of sea state, and gives the calculation formula of aircraft specific echo compensation, complex the revised data for the target echo, the actual radar echo of limited resources, according to the order of return and when the target is not in the library types on the rejection. The problem that the fusion threshold nearest neighbor classification algorithm based on R-SVM algorithm (Threshold Nearest Neighbor, TNN), the revised echo data by the method of R-SVM-TNN expansion after a large number of random experiments, on ships and aircraft to achieve the goal of effective recognition, prove the correction and compensation methods of the target recognition based on pole theory the frequency domain for the target recognition method in practical engineering application provides a theoretical basis.
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