本文关键词:基于单幅图像的三维发型建模技术及其应用 出处:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Hair style is an important part of the character image, different hair color and style can reflect people's different age, character and even occupation, because of its complex and changeable geometry structure. 3D hairstyle modeling is a challenging task in graphic research. Some methods that rely on manual interaction require professional modeling skills and complex interactions; Other image-based hairstyle reconstruction methods can only deal with a large number of images captured by professional equipment in controlled environment. These limitations hinder the popularization of 3D hairstyle modeling technology in practical application. 3D hairstyle modeling of a single image is a difficult problem. We combine a very small number of user aids. A series of high quality 3D hairstyle modeling methods based on single portrait are proposed systematically by machine learning and a prior geometry model, and the applications of these methods in intelligent portrait manipulation are demonstrated comprehensively. At the same time. In order to solve the problem of slow simulation speed of hairstyle movement in application, we design a simplified model of hairstyle movement based on skin. It is used to simulate the high quality haircut motion and the interaction with the environment object at real time speed. The specific research contents of this paper include the following five parts:. 1. An interactive 3D hairstyle modeling method based on a single image is proposed, which can generate a high-resolution 3D hairstyle model with a small number of users. These hairstyles can be rendered in accordance with the original image within a certain range of viewing angles, which is sufficient to support portrait manipulation applications such as portrait three-dimensional, hairstyle migration and hairstyle geometric editing. The method is extended to support dynamic hairstyle modeling with physical constraints and video-based hairstyle modeling. 2. Based on the interactive modeling method. We propose a data-driven full-automatic 3D hairstyle modeling method for single image, which can completely eliminate the tedious user-aided steps while ensuring the quality of the results. Thus, the modeling process of single portrait hairstyle is completely automated, in order to better face the practical application of ordinary users and the generation of large-scale hairstyle data. 3. Focus on the geometric quality of the model. We further propose a single image portrait modeling method for generating high quality models, which can generate a complete portrait model with fine geometric details. It is used to support a series of portrait manipulation applications with high requirements for model quality, including high quality relighting based on images, 3D printing of portrait relief and so on. We propose a data-driven and efficient hairstyle motion simulation method, which is based on the new haircut skin simplification model to acquire the hairstyle movement characteristics from the training data to drive the efficient real-time motion simulation. And by online collision correction to restore the loss of the simplified model interpolation motion details. 5. On the basis of the haircut skin model, we further proposed an adaptive skin simplified model. In order to solve the conflict of the assumption of skin simplification model in the process of interaction simulation between hairstyle and fine environment objects, the high quality haircut object simulation can be realized without affecting the efficiency.
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