本文关键词: 高功率微波 带状电子束 相对论返波管 相对论行波管 矩形栅慢波结构 出处:《电子科技大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:High power vacuum devices are a kind of promising microwave sources, which have great potential in military and civil applications, among which relativistic backwave tube (RBWO) and relativistic traveling-wave tube (RTWT) are the most common. Increasing the output power and output frequency of high power microwave sources is an important development direction of such devices, and the use of banded electron beams is a method worth exploring to increase microwave power and frequency. So it is very valuable to study the RBWO and RTWT of banded electron beam. In this paper, we will explain and solve the problems encountered in the design of the strip electron beam device in turn, and finally prove that the band electron beam is beneficial to the realization of higher power. Especially for higher frequency microwave output. The important work and innovation of this paper are: 1. For rectangular single-gate, rectangular symmetrical double-gate and staggered double-gate slow-wave structure with arbitrary dislocation, the general dispersion equation is obtained. The equation is verified and the general dispersion equations of three kinds of rectangular gate structures are obtained for the large-width rectangular gate structures suitable for banded beam RBWO and RTWT. This equation is applicable to the analysis of low order mode in large width rectangular gate. For rectangular symmetric double grid band beam RBWOO, a new type of resonant reflector is proposed. The problem of rectangular symmetric double gate base film is solved not only by moving the cathode up, but also by using the method of moving up the cathode to solve the problem that the rectangular symmetric double gate base film is an antisymmetric mode. Finally, a Ka-band band beam RBWO.The microwave output of 31.1GHz and 46.8MW is obtained in the experiment. For the rectangular single-grid band beam RTWTs, an E-plane bending input structure is proposed. The problem that electron beam channel is not cut off to microwave is solved, a new structure of gradual change between waveguide and slow wave structure is proposed, and a feasible transition structure of connecting regular waveguide and large width waveguide is designed. The self-excited oscillation and the high-order mode are effectively suppressed, and the method of adjusting the synchronization between the electron beam and the input signal is proposed in the experiment. Finally, a Ka-band band beam RTWTs is successfully developed, and the output of 1.21MW is obtained at 35GHz. In order to further improve the output power of the band beam RTWT, the concept of two-segment band beam RTWT is proposed, and the practical implementation scheme of the attenuator is presented. An attenuator is designed based on the practical parameter simulation, which solves the problem that the microwave does not stop at the electron beam channel and can not use the cut off structure. Finally, a two-segment Ka-band band beam RTWTs is successfully designed, when the input power is 11kW, The output power of 19.5MW is obtained at 35GHz, the corresponding gain is 32.5dB, and the efficiency is 15.6. in order to solve the problem of high current density and strong space charge effect due to the small structure size, high current density and strong space charge effect, Therefore, it is difficult to obtain high power microwave output. The concept of two-stage dual-beam band beam RTWT is proposed, which is beneficial to the realization of high-power terahertz radiation, and the method of using branched waveguide energy coupler is presented. The problem of microwave input from the first large width slow wave system to the second large width slow wave system is solved. Finally, a 220 GHz band beam RTWTT is successfully designed, and more than 70 MW output. 6. For the branch waveguide coupler, Based on the theory of phase superposition, the physical model of coupler with arbitrary width and arbitrary coupling degree is given, and the fast design formula is obtained. The coupler in two-segment band beam RTWT is designed quickly by using the formula combined with simulation, and several new strong coupling and 3dB branch waveguide couplers are also developed.
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