本文选题:目标分割 切入点:形状先验 出处:《浙江大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Accurate segmentation of the object in the image using computer to simulate human eyes features for computer vision and image processing is very important. Due to the actual image, the target may be affected by noise, occlusion, effect of defect or background adhesion and other factors, the target segmentation is often ineffective only depend on the image itself. Based on the prior shape generates a complete shape the dictionary, and combined with the sparse representation model of target segmentation process supervision can better improve the segmentation effects. Based on the in-depth analysis of the shape of some classical sparse representation based on the model and variational segmentation methods, focusing on the shape of the sparse representation method, method of generating space mapping over complete dictionary and the sparse representation the variational target segmentation method, put forward a variety of shape prior variational sparse image segmentation model based on the main. The work and innovations: 1. based on the related proposition launched by the expansion of the definition of shape mapping coefficient, mapping formula is constructed and its convex shape based on sparse subset. Sparse constrained combinatorial input target using the subset in the shape of projection on convex set, can further build mapping space variational image segmentation model based on the sparse. The shape of convex shape with independent component and nonlinear kernel space research show that the mapping of convex variational method based on sparse representation of shape has certain versatility, this method also sparse segmentation model provides a new method combining.2. with variational level set method for establishing the mapping space, independent component shape and sparse shape representation, the paper proposes a segmentation method based on sparse representation independent component variational target. The method solves the problem of directly using independent component structure sparsed To ensure the effectiveness of the combination of shape reconstruction of shape. In addition, the model also uses log polar shape instead of the original shape, the shape of said automatic target alignment sparse model. By constructing a map shape in a shape independent component space set, and iterative solution of the level set function in the shape of the sparse set. Said method, it solves the sparse representation model of independent component supervision variational target segmentation problem of.3. combined with the recent development of "Wake-sleep" optimization method, proposes a hierarchical segmentation framework. The framework of the energy minimization process is decomposed into "Wake" and "Sleep" two stages, enhanced the expression of the underlying model the image through the "Wake" stage. At the same time, through the "Sleep" stage to enhance the senior energy input shapes. In addition, this paper also offers a dual energy connection To balance the evolution of the "Wake" and "Sleep" stage. The above technique, this paper constructs a sparse hidden nuclear shape representation based on variational segmentation model, the model solves the problem of nonlinear kernel space search and sparse neighbor by hidden nuclear shape representation to guide the underlying variational segmentation problem.4. in the case of small samples over complete dictionary weak shape representation, we propose a segmentation model based on sparse dictionary mapping group. The model indicates that the partial adjustment function was introduced in the local constraints and local weights to achieve the shape in the traditional sparse. Compared with traditional methods, the new model fully tap the shape information in the training set, a substantial increase in the ability to express the shape of variational sparse segmentation model in the case of small samples based on the shape of the target, to solve the existence of local shape Under the condition of variable,.5. local feature reconstruction target shape problem existing variational sparse segmentation method can not make full use of the training sample set the distance constraint probability shape and log polar fuzzy decomposition two shape modeling method, improved the traditional sparse combination deformation capacity problem which, based on the probability of shape by distance constraint the introduction of the concept of distance constraint to simulate the average shape of widespread "transition zone" feature, expand the connotation of individual shapes. The shape of sample log polar fuzzy dictionary generation method based on the decomposition of the training set shape is decomposed and deeper, for the case of small samples to construct overcomplete dictionary group provides shape more information is greatly improved under the condition of small samples. The accuracy of segmentation in the public data sets and built experimental results on the dataset table It is clear that the proposed variational sparse segmentation model based on shape prior has better segmentation precision and noise robustness.
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