本文选题:人工蜂群算法 切入点:群智能算法 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Optimization problems exist everywhere, and all areas of the proposed optimization problems become more and more complex, many traditional optimization algorithms become incapable of action in the face of complex optimization problems. Therefore, people are constantly looking for a new solution. The bionic intelligent optimization algorithm, which solve the complex optimization problem into reality. Because any prior the method generally does not require the objective function and constraint conditions, can better adapt to solve complex optimization problems, with the characteristics of parallel computing, and has good robustness, bionic intelligent optimization algorithm has attracted the attention of many researchers, is applied to the traveling salesman problem, neural network, artificial bee colony the algorithm of image processing problems such as.2005 put forward is a kind of bionic intelligent optimization algorithm, has been successfully applied in many research fields. But the artificial bee colony algorithm The intelligent optimization algorithm, also exist between population exploration ability and development ability imbalance, explore algorithm ability strong, but development ability is insufficient, easy to fall into local optimum, the slow speed of convergence, and the mathematical theory foundation is also very weak. Aiming at the disadvantages of artificial bee colony algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm is put forward several improved and successfully applied to the problem of function optimization, constrained optimization problem and non negative linear least squares problem. At the same time that the artificial bee colony algorithm almost sure convergence of everywhere through the martingale theory into the stochastic process. The main research work of this paper are as follows: 1. The convergence of the artificial bee colony algorithm analysis. Artificial bee colony algorithm convergence analysis existing ergodic algorithm based on consideration in the sense of probabilistic convergence. Convergence analysis of this algorithm does not ensure in Co. Step in the convergence to the global optimal solution of the problem. This paper attempts to use the almost sure convergence of martingale theory of artificial bee colony algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm to ensure that with probability 1 in finite steps to reach the global optimal solution. This conclusion lays the theoretical foundation for broaden the scope of application of artificial bee colony algorithm, and provides the theory of new tools for.2 modified artificial bee colony algorithm and convergence analysis, this paper presents a global optimization problem of hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm. The algorithm by introducing the orthogonal initialization method, the initial population distribution is more uniform, improve the search efficiency of the algorithm, the original algorithm employed bees and bee follow search add random equation disturbance, expand the scope of search algorithm, the proposed algorithm is effective, using benchmark function test results, convergence curves and box plots show that the algorithm can fast charge Convergence to the global optimal solution of.3, puts forward a solving function optimization problem improved artificial bee colony algorithm. The algorithm by differential evolutionary algorithm inspired, the employed bees and the following bee put forward two new search using P probability equation, using two equations of control, while the introduction of orthogonal initialization method, performance improved artificial bee colony algorithm using benchmark function test, the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is better than the improved artificial bee colony algorithm and other intelligent optimization algorithm is more effective in.4, the paper puts forward a new method of non negative least squares problem. The algorithm of artificial bee colony algorithm by particle swarm algorithm and heuristic algorithm, puts forward two kinds of improved search equation in the process does not distinguish between the employed bees and wasps will follow the implementation of the algorithm, the uniform as a bee, using P probability using two search control equation, through the test function The parameter p value, while the introduction of orthogonal initialization, using benchmark test function and non negative least squares problem instance test show that the proposed algorithm is faster than the other algorithm and other intelligent optimization algorithm convergence speed, the precision is higher.5, this paper proposes an optimization problem of the chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm, and the algorithm is applied to non negative linear least squares problem. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the artificial bee colony algorithm, using inverse learning as the method of initialization initialization algorithm. In order to further improve the performance of the algorithm, exploration ability and exploitation ability equalization algorithm, the design of the new search mechanism for the new algorithm. In addition, with chaotic local search mechanism in the algorithm in the algorithm the optimal solution around the local search. By using the benchmark test function and non negative least squares problem instances show that the proposed test The algorithm is faster than the other algorithm and other intelligent optimization algorithm convergence speed, the precision is higher for.6, a constrained optimization problem, artificial bee colony algorithm is put forward an algorithm of portfolio. The algorithm of adaptive constraint handling artificial bee colony algorithm evolutionary strategy and Deb selection strategy based on the method of constrained function optimization problems the original is the most of the running time of the algorithm into an algorithm or constraint up, the algorithm of portfolio allocation algorithm to the running time of algorithm and constraint handling technique on different, to avoid the risk of running the algorithm, while the design of a transfer stage in the algorithm, for the reaction between algorithm the information exchange and sharing, benchmark function experimental results show that the algorithm is better than other algorithms in solving constrained optimization problems with higher success rate, more Effect.
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