本文选题:网络虚拟化 切入点:能耗感知的虚拟网映射 出处:《郑州大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:With the growth of the scale of the Internet, the over-use of energy brought by the excess supply of resources and redundant system design principles is becoming more and more serious, and the virtual network becomes the innovation and sustainable development of the network to provide strong support. The core idea of network virtualization is to build their own virtual networks for different services on the same physical network infrastructure. The key problem is how to map the virtual network to the physical network. The virtual network deployment of energy saving target is one of the important goals to realize network virtualization. In the aspect of energy saving selection standard of node and link and the organization structure of energy saving mapping algorithm, There is room for improvement. The work of this paper is as follows: 1. This paper proposes an energy saving mapping algorithm for virtual networks, which takes into account the time factor. The algorithm selects the mapping targets of virtual nodes or links. The simulation results show that compared with the existing algorithms, the algorithm achieves more effective energy saving purpose, and the effect is more significant in the scenario with sufficient resources. 2. Based on the TEAVNE algorithm, the simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more effective than the existing algorithms. In this paper, an energy saving mapping EEVNE-CCM algorithm for virtual networks is proposed, in which some nodes and links are opened in advance by minimizing the maximum resource utilization when selecting the mapping targets of virtual nodes or links. The simulation results show that compared with the TEAVNE algorithm, the algorithm not only optimizes the use of network resources, but also optimizes the use of network resources. A new energy saving mapping algorithm based on adaptive coevolutionary particle swarm optimization (APCS) is proposed. The algorithm is aimed at the energy saving mapping problem of virtual networks with discrete solution space. By analyzing the aggregation degree of particle position, the aggregation degree is defined and used to search the optimal solution. The simulation results show that compared with the original particle swarm optimization algorithm, the algorithm can converge to a better energy saving mapping scheme under the same search times.
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