
发布时间:2018-04-03 07:22

  本文选题:频控阵雷达 切入点:点波束 出处:《电子科技大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The new system of phased array radar frequency and traditional phased array radar, the main difference is that the former of the array element using the emission signal carrier frequency. The frequency deviation between the different frequency with the array position. A linear increasing frequency offset frequency phased array due to the propagation of beam direction angle and not only related with the distance. Therefore, in addition to the application of phased array, phased array in frequency interference suppression, target recognition and RF stealth etc also has great application potential. In this paper the frequency phased array beampatterns distance dependent frequency phased array radar array optimization design and parameter estimation method was studied, and the research methods frequency phased array radar based on RF stealth, the main research work and innovation include: (1) put forward two kinds based on multi carrier frequency offset and nonlinear frequency phased array radar To transmit array coupling method. The first method is each array element using multicarrier transmission, the advantage of this method is to control the distance and angle dimension of frequency control arrays, the disadvantages of hardware implementation is difficult; the second method is by increasing the frequency offset, discontinuity in order to beam space. At the same time, according to the frequency phased array beampattern time-varying characteristics, this paper first frequency control array structure is proposed based on invariant transmit beampattern optimization algorithm based on a time-varying weighting. According to the second kinds of frequency control array structure, this paper from the array pattern and target parameters the estimation of the comparison and analysis with the performance. (2) to study the effects of frequency offset in frequency phased array antenna array: frequency phased array for frequency offset may exist error, the This paper analyzes the effect of frequency offset in frequency phased array beam pattern, beam direction leads to deterministic frequency offset error map migration relation is given, and the direction of the beam under the random frequency offset error figure error bound is derived. Then, respectively, under the assumption that the random frequency offset error obeys Gauss distribution and uniform distribution, deduced beam the direction map in the desired position of the mean, variance and probability distribution function, and a simulation analysis was carried out. (3) studied the method of frequency phased array and multi input multi output system of new hybrid structure and array radar target range azimuth estimation based on frequency: the main study of phased array MIMO radar in the application of inhibition the distance dependent interference. Simulation results show that the frequency phased array MIMO radar has obvious advantages in the inhibition of distance correlation interference, the SINR of MIMO radar is superior to the traditional We also use the technology. Frequency phased array MIMO radar beam distance and angle correlation of frequency phased array MIMO radar target distance and azimuth estimation method based on the theory, and the Cramer Rao bound is derived, the theory of minimum mean square error, the theoretical resolution resolution of world power and the theory of performance. Because of this two-dimensional the space complexity of the algorithm is relatively high, this paper also presents a complex target with low parameter estimation algorithm. (4) proposed a phased array emitter array optimization design method of CRLB based on the minimum frequency. In order to improve the performance of frequency phased array target parameter estimation, this paper proposes a CRLB minimization frequency control based on optimization design method of array MIMO radar array emission. The method of frequency phased array is divided into multiple sub arrays, which effectively combines directional MIMO radar flexibility and frequency phased array. At the same time, based on CRLB The minimization of constrained optimization problems, and then transformed into a convex optimization problem. The simulation results show that this optimization method can effectively improve the estimation performance of MIMO radar array parameters of target frequency control. (5) proposed a target detection method for low interception frequency phased array based on Lei Damu cognitive reference. The idea of cognitive radar and the processing steps of the method are: first, frequency phased array MIMO radar receiver for preliminary estimation of target parameters; second step weighted vector optimization according to target energy minimization and receiver maximum energy for the second step, the comprehensive application of the convex optimization technique and dichotomy, and obtain its weighting vector by using rank constraint algorithm simulation. The results showed that compared with the algorithm of stochastic approximation algorithm in the detection performance is greatly improved, the method can effectively reduce the radar intercept probability.



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