
发布时间:2018-04-29 03:11

  本文选题:无线纳米传感网 + 能耗 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:无线纳米传感网由大量纳米传感器构成,采用太赫兹(Terahertz,THz)频段(0.1-10 THz)电磁波通信,在生物医学、环境、工业和军事等诸多领域有着许多极有前景的应用(例如,健康监测系统、空气污染监测系统、纳米物联网、核生化防御系统等),将极大地改变人们的日常生活并影响社会发展。构成无线纳米传感网的纳米传感器在能量储存能力、通信能力和计算能力等方面都极其有限,能量有效性成为无线纳米传感网的重要研究问题之一。本文研究无线纳米传感网节能编码,旨在通过编码方法节省无线纳米传感网中的通信能耗。本文的研究工作对于促进无线纳米传感网在众多领域的先进应用的基础研究具有重要的学术价值。本文在介绍无线纳米传感网中的基于开关键控的调制方案、THz信道模型及低码重编码等后续研究内容的知识基础的基础上;分别针对不同的情况,研究无线纳米传感网中基于时域扩展开关键控调制的节能编码方案,具体工作和成果如下:1.针对源字等概率出现的场景,提出一种无线纳米传感网中优化通信能耗的平均码重(Average Codeword Weight,ACW)最小化编码(ACW-Minimization Coding,ACW-MC)。ACW-MC在误比特率较小的无线纳米传感网场景中具有较好的能量有效性。特别地,我们重点关注ACW-MC优化码本的构建算法及码长对ACW的影响。在无线纳米传感网能耗分析的基础上,提出一种新的综合考虑发送端能耗和接收端能耗的能耗模型,该能耗模型不同于现有工作,既考虑传输能耗和接收能耗,又考虑发送端和接收端的电路能耗。2.针对源字非等概率出现的场景,提出一种无线纳米传感网中非等概源字通信能耗最小化编码(Communication Energy Minimization Coding,CEMC)。较之未编码(Non-Coding,NC)及脉冲位置编码(Pulse Position Coding,PPC)、最小化能耗的编码和超低重码等编码,CEMC具有较好的能量有效性。我们给出一种综合考虑传输能耗和接收能耗的通信能耗模型。对于给定的码长,CEMC在构建最小化ACW的优化码本的基础上,把出现概率较高的源字编码为码重较小的码字,从而最小化加权平均码重;在满足码长阈值和编码速率阈值约束的情况下,建立通信能耗优化问题,得到最小化通信能耗的优化码长,给出码长优化的CEMC。3.针对在无线纳米传感网中传输实时信息流的场景,提出一种无线纳米传感网中实时信息流通信能耗优化编码(Energy Optimization Coding,EOC)。EOC较之NC及无线纳米网最小能耗编码具有更好的能量有效性,而且源字长度较小,适用于实时信息流较长的场景。EOC的能耗模型综合考虑传输实时信息流时发送端能耗和接收端能耗,其中包含了编码字典收发能耗。在建立联合优化源字长度和码长的通信能耗优化问题的基础上,给出EOC的编码算法。4.在无线纳米传感网编码的能量有效性之外,考虑编码的信道容量性能,提出一种联合太赫兹信道容量性能的节能编码(Energy Saving Coding,ESC)。较之低码重信道编码和PPC等编码,ESC具有较好联合性能,即较高的节能率和信息速率。在分析无线纳米传感网中单用户及多用户场景下基于编码的信道容量的基础上,提出联合信息速率与节能率的优化问题,并给出基于优化的码长和ACW的编码方案。
[Abstract]:The wireless nano sensor network is composed of a large number of nano sensors, using the Terahertz (THz) frequency band (0.1-10 THz) electromagnetic wave communication, and has many promising applications in many fields such as biomedicine, environment, industry and military, for example, health monitoring system, air pollution monitoring system, nanoscale network, nuclear and chemical defense system, etc. It has greatly changed people's daily life and affects social development. The nano sensor of wireless nano sensor network is very limited in energy storage capacity, communication ability and computing power. Energy efficiency has become one of the important research problems of wireless nanoscale sensor network. The research work of this paper has important academic value for the basic research on promoting the advanced applications of wireless nanossg in many fields. This paper introduces the modulation scheme based on switch keying, THz channel model and low code recoding in wireless nanossg. On the basis of the knowledge base of the following research content, the energy saving coding scheme based on the time domain extended switch keying modulation in the wireless nanossense sensor network is studied respectively. The specific work and results are as follows: 1. the average energy consumption in the wireless nanoscale sensor network is proposed. The code weight (Average Codeword Weight, ACW) minimization coding (ACW-Minimization Coding, ACW-MC).ACW-MC has a good energy efficiency in a wireless nanoscale sensor network with a small bit error rate. In particular, we focus on the construction algorithm of the ACW-MC optimized codebook and the effect of the code length on ACW. On the basis of this, a new energy consumption model is proposed, which considers both the energy consumption of the transmitter and the receiving end. The energy consumption model is different from the existing work, considering both the energy consumption and the energy consumption of the receiver, and the circuit energy consumption of the transmitter and receiver in view of the non equal probability of the source word. A non equal probability source in the wireless nanoscale sensor network is proposed. Communication Energy Minimization Coding (CEMC). Compared to the uncoded (Non-Coding, NC) and pulse position coding (Pulse Position Coding, PPC), the coding and ultra low code of energy consumption are minimized. CEMC has good energy efficiency. We give a comprehensive consideration of transmission energy consumption and energy consumption. For a given code length, on the basis of a given code length, CEMC is built on the basis of optimizing the optimal codebook to minimize the ACW. The source word which has a higher probability is coded to minimize the code weight, and the weighted average code weight is minimized. The optimization problem of communication energy consumption is established under the condition of meeting the threshold of the code length and the threshold of the coding rate, and the minimization of the energy consumption is minimized. The optimization code length of communication energy consumption and the CEMC.3. optimization of code length for transmitting real-time information flow in wireless nanossense network, a kind of Energy Optimization Coding (EOC).EOC in wireless nano sensor network is proposed, which has better energy than the minimum energy consumption coding of NC and line free nanoscale. It is effective, and the source word length is small. The energy consumption model of.EOC, which is suitable for real time information flow, takes into account the energy consumption and the receiving end energy consumption of the transmitting real-time information flow. It includes the energy consumption of the coding dictionary. On the basis of establishing the joint optimization of the energy consumption of the channel of the joint optimization of the source word length and code length, the paper gives the compilation of the EOC. The code algorithm.4., in addition to the energy efficiency of the wireless nano sensor network, takes into account the performance of the coded channel capacity, proposes an energy saving encoding (Energy Saving Coding, ESC) combined with the capacity performance of the terahertz channel. Compared with the low code weight channel coding and PPC coding, ESC has a better joint performance, that is, higher energy efficiency and information rate. On the basis of analyzing the coded channel capacity of the single user and multi user scene in the wireless nanoscale sensor network, the optimization problem of the joint information rate and energy saving rate is proposed, and the coding scheme based on the optimized code length and ACW is given.



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