本文选题:量子密钥分发 + 测量设备无关 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Quantum communication is a new frontier subject of quantum physics and informatics. The current quantum communication fields include quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, quantum secret sharing, quantum digital signature, relativistic quantum bit commitment, quantum fingerprint identification, quantum relay, quantum data lock and so on. The principle of quantum state superposition is the core of quantum physics. Using the coherent superposition effect of quantum state can make quantum communication protocol have more advantages than classical communication protocol. Due to the existence of these advantages, researchers have been motivated to explore in theory and experiment and push different quantum communication protocols towards practical applications. At present, the practical technology of quantum key distribution is developing rapidly. For example, the Beijing-Shanghai and Shanghai-Hangzhou trunk lines, which are based on optical fiber transmission, will be completed by the end of this year. "Mozi", the world's first quantum satellite based on free space transmission, and Tiangong II, which carries out a mission involving the distribution of quantum keys in an open space, have been launched successfully one after another. However, with the development of practical quantum key distribution, researchers find that there are differences between the theoretical proof and the actual system, and these differences will bring vulnerabilities to the actual system and lead to quantum hacking attacks against the actual system. For example, the multi-photon source photon number separation attack and the detector strong light blinding attack and so on. Therefore, studying the security of practical systems is one of the most important topics in the field of quantum key distribution. Compared with quantum key distribution, other quantum communication protocols, such as quantum fingerprint identification, quantum digital signature and quantum secret sharing, are still in the early stage of theoretical research and principle experimental verification, and are far from the practical target. During his Ph. D., the author's main work includes quantum key distribution, quantum fingerprint identification, and theoretical and experimental research on quantum digital signature. The coherent superposition state theory is used to simulate the quantum key distribution which is independent of the measurement device, and a higher secure bit rate and secure transmission distance are obtained. The quantum key distribution theory based on Bell inequality is studied, and the formula of unconditional secure bit-rate of six-state SARG04 protocol is given, and a higher threshold of secure error rate is obtained. In this paper, the detector decoy differential phase shift quantum key distribution is proposed, which removes the requirement of photon number resolution detector, and the experiment demonstrates the quantum key distribution network based on distrust relay under the condition of external field. The secure transmission distance of measurement device independent quantum key distribution is increased to 404km. Quantum fingerprint identification based on double Sagnac interferometer is observed to break the classical limit. Unconditional secure quantum digital signature over 102km is demonstrated.
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