本文选题:服务机器人 + 变阻抗控制 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid change of social production and life style, traditional robots have been unable to meet the requirements of high compliance, intelligence, dexterity and the complex and changeable needs of people's living environment. Therefore, the new generation of robots must have a good human-machine friendly interface, fast and dexterity with human cognition and operation skills. In this paper, based on the human impedance regulation mechanism and the robot impedance control technology, based on the surface EMG signal (sEMG), this paper builds and extracts the human body movement information, namely the impedance and kinematics information, through the construction of the human machine action information coordination control system, and realizes the human being. Movement information transfers to the nature and flexibility of the robot. Body movement of human body has better flexibility, environmental adaptability and complex skill than traditional robot motion. These characteristics benefit from the mechanical impedance adjustment skills produced by human long-term evolution to adapt to the change of interactive environment. In this paper, the current status of human body impedance regulation and robot compliant human-computer interaction technology is summarized, and the shortcomings of the robot in the face of new production mode and life style are summarized. A generation of robots is more compliant than traditional robots, and then leads to the purpose and significance of the research. Then, the mechanism of the dexterity of the movement of the upper limb and the mechanism of the flexibility of action skills, that is, the impedance adjustment, and the optimization of skill learning are systematically reviewed, especially in combination with the robot technology to realize the man-machine action skill transmission. On the basis of this, the joint design and control methods of humanoid impedance regulating robot in recent years are summarized. Then the robot human-computer interaction system based on human impedance regulation and the related methods are analogous, analyzed and summarized. The preliminary theory and engineering are laid for this study. Based on the biological principle of the impedance regulation of the human upper limb, this paper carries out the modeling of the stiffness of the upper limb based on the sEMG signal. The two order system model is used to identify the 3D Cartesian spatial stiffness model of the human upper limb, and the impedance characteristics of the human body are verified. The transformation of space stiffness of human muscle Descartes space stiffness to joint space stiffness and the inverse transformation of joint space to Descartes space are expounded. The sEMG signal smoothing envelope technique and the stiffness identification algorithm for human upper limb are designed. The upper limb Jacobi matrix is an important parameter for the spatial transformation of stiffness. This paper is based on the D-H coordinates of the robot and the upper part of the human body. The kinematics of the arm is modeled by the corresponding joint of the limb. The Jacobi matrix of the upper limb of the human body is extracted based on the visual and inertial measurement unit (IMU), which lays the foundation for the realization of the on-line identification of the stiffness of the upper limb. The principle of impedance control is deeply studied. A robot variable impedance controller model is designed. A robot man-machine action information transfer control model based on the impedance adjustment of the body upper limb is constructed, which can make the robot imitate human movements quickly. In order to improve the nature and flexibility of human and robot interaction, the tactile feedback is introduced in this paper. The study of man-machine action information transmission is carried out by comparative experiment. In this paper, the application of man-machine action information transmission based on sEMG signal is carried out, such as anti interference of human joint and Experimental Research on Adaptive Anti-jamming of robot, experiment of lifting heavy objects, experiment of robot impedance writing instruction, training experiment of human and human writing skill and tele operation It realizes the natural transmission of the human impedance adjustment information and kinematics information to the robot, and verifies the validity and feasibility of the man-machine action information transmission proposed in this paper.
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