本文选题:协作认知无线电网络 + 物理层安全 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:Cognitive radio (cognitive radio) is expected to solve the problem of low utilization of spectral resources, which has made great progress in the past few decades. As a combination of cognitive radio and cooperative relay transmission, cooperative cognitive radio has attracted wide attention from the global academia. For secondary users, it is expected to improve network performance through the cooperative transmission of secondary users. Like other wireless communication networks, cooperative cognitive radio networks are faced with the threat of eavesdropping due to radio channel broadcasting characteristics. Existing network security mechanisms are based on the network layer to secure secure communication by key encryption. However, With the improvement of the ability of the eavesdropper, the security performance of the existing encryption mechanism has been impacted. In addition, the key distribution and key management of the key encryption method with high complexity are difficult to deploy in the network because of the self organization, low complexity and resource limited network characteristics of the cooperative cognitive radio network. The key encryption method, the secure communication technology in the physical layer, can make full use of the inherent time-varying and random characteristics of the wireless channel. It can bring additional security guarantee from the angle of information theory. It is an important supplement to the existing security mechanism. The physical layer has the advantages of low complexity, low energy consumption, and no key generation and distribution. It should be used for cooperative cognitive radio networks. However, the existing physical layer security schemes have a relatively single network environment, and the neutral ability of the cooperative cognitive radio networks with complex network structures is poor. At the same time, the existing physical layer security schemes do not study the user cooperation mechanism deeply and cooperate to recognize the wireless network. In this paper, the problems of physical layer security in cooperative cognitive radio networks are studied in detail in this paper. The main contents are as follows: 1. the problem of physical layer security based on Cooperative interference in cooperative cognitive radio networks is studied. Characteristics, a physical layer security scheme using cooperative interference technology is proposed to ensure the reliability and security of communication between primary users and secondary users in the network. In particular: 1) using the semidefinite programming theory, combining with zero forcing beam forming technology, the beamforming vector and decoding vector of each node in the network are derived, and 2) the use of geometric rules is used. Under the condition of global power constraints, the network node power distribution vector is optimized and the optimal solution of the security capacity is obtained. 3) the interference source multi selection problem is studied. The alliance game formation theory is used. According to the merger split rule and the maximum Pareto comparison standard, the interference source multi selection algorithm is proposed, and the stable convergence is obtained. The interference source alliance structure.2. studies the interference source relay joint joint selection problem in cooperative cognitive radio networks. It is realized that the assumption that the channel state information is known instantaneously in the cooperative node is too ideal. This paper considers the state information distribution of the channel state information which can only be known, and proposes the optimal stop. The interference source relay joint joint selection scheme of the stop theory, specifically: 1) modeling the joint selection problem of the interference source relay node as the optimal stopping problem, considering the network security capacity and time efficiency, designed the stop return function; 2) derives the expected value of the revenue function of each step, and puts forward the optimal stopping criterion. The selection algorithm based on optimal stopping theory is presented and the convergence property of the algorithm is proved. 3) the existence of the optimal observation sequence is proved, and the optimal observation sequence of secondary users is derived by using dynamic programming, and the performance.3. of the scheme is optimized to study the problem of interference source in the cooperative cognitive wireless network. In this paper, a interference source incentive scheme using energy collection technology is proposed in this paper. In addition, the channel state information of the eavesdropper is known in this paper. The assumption that the weakening is only partially informed of the partial channel state information of the eavesdropper, specifically: 1) based on the uncertain norm constraint model of the channel, using the robust optimization method, the transmission power covariance matrix of each node in the worst case is optimized, and the network security performance is improved; 2) the interference source energy collection - cooperative interference is defined. Assist mode, using energy collection technology to achieve the balance of energy consumption of interference sources; 3) a reasonable auction pricing strategy is designed based on the interference source incentive algorithm of Vicky auction, and the optimal strategy equilibrium solution is obtained. It proves that the algorithm satisfies the user honesty and the nature of the user's personal rationality. At the same time, the user's security performance is effectively stimulated by the secondary users.
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