本文选题:结构化分析 + 先验知识 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The automatic understanding of multimedia information, such as image and video, is one of the main research contents of computer vision through the effective representation of large sample data, learning and reasoning, and realizing automatic understanding of multimedia information, such as images and video. Different visual analysis processes have natural layer characteristics and intrinsic relationships. The solution results can lay an effective foundation for the middle and high level analysis and understanding process. The middle layer vision task mainly focuses on the interest target contained in the image video, and analyzes the inherent property of the static target and the motion state of the dynamic target. As a bridge between the low level and the high-level tasks, the middle level visual analysis is over. The process can provide new information guidance for low level operation, and also provide effective visual cues for high level understanding. High level visual tasks further study the basic properties and interconnections between the targets, and obtain the objective interpretation and knowledge description of the entire input visual information. The top down feedback process forms the guidance and constraint of the middle and low level visual tasks to improve the computational efficiency of the middle and low level operation. Around the different levels of visual analysis tasks, most of the existing research methods usually follow the hypothesis of sample independence and distribution, modeling and modeling the acquired visual perception information by using machine learning algorithms. It is difficult to establish robust distribution expression, and more importantly, the internal logic and structural relationship between the visual information is ignored, and the real data can not be accurately described by the lower order statistics. In relation, the results can easily fall into the local optimal and cause the error understanding of the information. The high order statistical characteristics of the structural information between the samples are analyzed. In the analysis and solution of the multi-level computer vision tasks, the structural association expression of the visual information is integrated into the visual information in the form of prior or constraint, and the original feature data and the middle upper language are established. The interrelation between semantic knowledge provides an effective way to solve the above problems, so it has important research significance. Based on this, this paper focuses on the structure association of multi element and multi-modal visual data from the perspective of structural analysis. It integrates the effective structural description to capture the mutual influence and constraint between different visual elements, and establishes the inner connection between the original feature data and the structure knowledge description, so as to guide the visual analysis and solving process under different physical entities. The specific research contents of the thesis are as follows: (1) the tasks surrounding the low level visual analysis and the pixels are aimed at the pixels. Because of the lack of prior information guidance in the process of dot matrix labeling, the problem that the corresponding image segmentation results are broken and no practical significance, the label weight and mapping rule under the multi-scale Markov random field model are proposed. By constructing the correlation between the visual features and the undirected graph model nodes, the structure of the original data is constructed. By analyzing the consistency of the nodes in the space neighborhood in the same scale and the similarity between the nodes of different scales in the same scale and the similarity between the different scales of the nodes in the same scale, a priori mark acquisition algorithm under different scales is designed. The expression of information improves the accuracy, robustness and universality of the image segmentation. (2) a new time series associated hidden Dirichlet assignment model is proposed to solve the problem of a large number of false recognition in the static target recognition process because of the lack of effective generation structure description in the middle layer vision analysis process. By establishing the corresponding correlation between different layers of visual elements and different nodes in the directed probability graph model, the generation description of the target to be identified under limited components is obtained. Further, by introducing the posteriori discrimination and switching variables, the spatio-temporal Association constraints of the feature data in continuous sampling and transportation are created. The construction of different visual elements is more efficient, which guides the reasoning operation of the middle and high level knowledge and improves the accuracy and efficiency of the target recognition. (3) around the middle level visual analysis and processing task, the action of the target under the different categories of the target in the motion process is stored in a large number of similar movements, affecting the detection of action. A discriminatory dictionary learning framework from multiple perspectives is proposed. By constructing a common dictionary including shared dictionaries and specific class dictionaries, the unique attributes of different actions are better depicted. By introducing group sparse and locally restrictive sparse constraints, the interaction of visual features is preserved in the coding description. In addition, the feature expression in multiple perspectives is further integrated through sparse coding to obtain a more rubby movement form description. By analyzing the internal relations and structural relationships between different categories of motion features, the discriminant characteristics and the accuracy of movement recognition are improved. (4) around the high-level visual analysis and processing task, the discriminant model under the finite sample is sensitive to the training sample, which leads to the weak generalization performance of the classifier learning results and the impact of the performance of the scene classification. The mixed discriminant method under the Bias priori constraints is proposed. By defining the feedback inference fusion mechanism, the prediction results under the heterogeneous classifier are selected and the label decision is made to automatically expand the training sample set and realize the effective updating of the model. The reasoning process of the high-level knowledge in the scene layer improves the discriminant performance of the model and achieves higher classification accuracy.
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