
发布时间:2018-07-26 14:56
[Abstract]:With the rise and development of new computing technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of things and large data, global information has brought about profound changes in the world. The dependence of information technology on the various layers of national economy, social development and people's life has reached an unprecedented level. At the same time, the openness of the Internet and the sharing of information to the global information security It poses a serious threat, and information security is one of the main contents of national security. Access control is an important basis for protecting data confidentiality, integrity, availability and legitimate use. It is one of the key strategies for network security prevention and resource protection. However, the scale of the network is not broken and the amount of users and data in the distributed network environment are not broken. The increasing demand for data, personal privacy demand and granularity is increasing, and it is urgent to realize fine dynamic authorization for large-scale users. The security requirement mode has changed from the single user to the multiuser communication mode of at least one party to the multiuser, and the communication from "the same domain" to "cross domain" communication. Traditional access control is facing new challenges. In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have carried out a wide range of research based on attribute encryption access control methods, and a large number of research results have been achieved. However, such problems as diverse rights, access control and hidden access control strategies are still needed to be further studied. The study of access control based on attribute encryption is carried out in this paper. The main research work is as follows: 1. a multi attribute authority access control scheme with user privileges is designed to solve the user's diverse rights requirement. The following problems are solved: (1) it is impossible to satisfy the current user's right of diversification from a single user authority. Limited requirements, provide different user rights, make users with different attribute sets get different privileges. (2) using a central authority and multiple attribute authority combination, the solution of the attribute cryptosystem of single attribute authority can not meet the needs of large-scale distributed application to different organizations, and easy to be attacked by centralized attack. (3) (3) the data owner produces a short signature while generating the ciphertext, which ensures the integrity of the data and the authenticity of the data source; (4) the security of the scheme is proved under the selection of the attribute set security model, and the increase of information and less computation with the same scheme is compared with that of the excessive concentration of user rights. Abuse problem, propose a user group verifiable access control scheme and security model, and prove the security of the scheme. The main function of the scheme is: (1) the user group is introduced in the scheme, not only the user rights are dispersed, but each participant only needs to store a small amount of information; (2) the secret sharing mechanism can be verified by Schoenmaker. The non interactive supervision mechanism of the central authority CA reduces the dependence on the authority of the central authority, so the scheme can adopt a semi trusted or untrusted central authority; (3) each participant can verify the integrity of the user by checking the information provided by other participants in the same user group; (4) the scheme is entered with the existing scheme. According to the comparison, the user rights management of this scheme is more detailed, and the computation of the property key is less than.3.. A complete hidden access strategy is designed, and an access control mechanism is constructed to fully hide the access strategy in the cloud storage, and the data is stored in the semi trusted cloud number. According to security and confidentiality protection, it is realized: (1) the access strategy is completely hidden from the cloud storage service provider CSP, which solves the problem of data confidentiality and integrity caused by privileged users in the cloud storage environment; (2) the access strategy is completely hidden for all users, even if a legitimate user has encrypted shared data. Work decryption, he can not determine the access strategy he observes; (3) add the user property change function, introduce the agent rescipher mechanism in the scheme, CSP complete the re encryption task alone without knowing the access strategy and the content of the data, and avoid the burden of the re encryption of the data owner; (4) the security of the scheme is carried out. It is proved that, by comparing with the similar scheme, the more thorough.4. hidden in this scheme is a typical application scene with intelligent distribution network, and a data aggregation and access control model of the intelligent distribution network communication system is designed, and the communication environment of Yu Zhineng distribution network based on attribute access control is applied. The following is completed. The work is: (1) aiming at the collection of massive data in the intelligent distribution network, the Paillier homomorphic mechanism is used to collect multidimensional data and ensure the confidentiality of the data, and the signature is verified by batch verification, making the number of the calculated numbers from 3T to 3. (2) using the attribute based access control method to encrypt the feedback command, avoiding the large number of intelligent terminal acquisition. The same command and the corresponding security attacks; (3) the signature is provided in the data collection and command feedback phase, which ensures the integrity of the data and resource authentication; (4) through the analysis and Simulation of the amount, traffic and function of the existing schemes, the experiment shows that the number of aggregated data is relatively small and the number of intelligent terminals is Pang. In the case of large and classified authorization, this scheme has obvious advantages in terms of computation cost and feedback command access control.


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