
发布时间:2018-07-26 18:29
[Abstract]:Compressed sensing is a new framework for signal acquisition and processing. The development of its theory and technology will have a profound impact on the research fields of digital signal acquisition, analysis technology and processing methods and related applications. At present, compression perception is developing from theoretical research to real signal application field: data object processing. From simple ideal sparsity signals to a wide range of practical signals with complex and low dimensional structures; sparse representations of signals are developed from based on orthogonal bases and frameworks to structured redundant dictionaries; the focus of research is developed from theoretical research to the reconstruction and processing of practical signals in applications. The most important part of compression perception from theory to practice is the most important part of compression perception from theory to practice, and also a hot spot in compressed sensing application research. In this paper, an image non convex compression frame based on overcomplete dictionary based on partitioned strategy is established, in which the image is divided into block compression observation, that is, to the image Each image block with equal size uses the same random observation method; constructs the Ridgelet overcomplete dictionary to obtain the sparse representation of any image block, and uses the sparsity and the sparse priori in the Ridgelet overcomplete dictionary to excavate and make use of the image block in the overcomplete dictionary of the image. In this framework, in view of the source problem of compressed sensing reconstruction, that is, the non convex optimization problem of 0l norm constraint, we propose a reconstruction idea based on the natural computing optimization algorithm and the cooperative optimization, and establish an image reconstruction method which can effectively solve the non convex sparse prior and a variety of structure prior constraints. The work includes: (1) in order to obtain the non convex compression perception reconstruction under the global optimization, a two phase reconstruction framework based on the natural computing optimization algorithm is proposed. In the first stage of the framework, a genetic algorithm is designed to obtain the optimal combination of a class of image blocks in the direction; the second stage is based on the first stage result. A clonal selection algorithm is designed to search the sub dictionaries adaptive to each image block and obtain better atomic combinations of each image block on the parameters of scale and displacement. The framework uses a global optimization evolutionary search strategy to achieve zero norm and image structure prior constraints by a flexible and diverse evolutionary strategy design. This work is a successful application of natural computing optimization method in non convex compression sensing reconstruction, which can obtain better reconstruction estimation for images. (2) considering the problem of slow reconstruction in the reconstruction method based on evolutionary search strategy, a cooperative compression perception based on overcomplete dictionary is proposed. The main idea is to replace the global search strategy in the evolutionary search with the local search and overlapping optimization strategy of matching pursuit method. The method uses the self similarity of the image, and designs two cooperative reconfiguration methods for the transfer and exchange of the reconstruction information between the local and non local similar image blocks. In the same way, an observation vector of a group of similar image blocks is used to reconstruct a single image block. The second cooperative methods use an estimated value of a block of image blocks to obtain a better estimate of a single image block. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the running time of the reconfiguration method based on the evolutionary search strategy. 3. (3) in order to obtain more accurate estimation of the local structure of the image block, and to improve the existing cooperative reconfiguration method, a collaborative reconstruction method guided by geometric structure is proposed. The representation coefficient applies the block sparse structure constraint, and combines these constraints with the cooperative reconfiguration mechanism, designs the cooperative reconstruction mode and reconfiguration strategy for smooth, single direction and random structure image blocks respectively. Compared with the existing cooperative reconstruction method, the cooperative reconstruction method combining the geometric structure first test can effectively improve the image part. The structure estimation and the reconstruction precision and speed have been improved. (4) in order to combine and utilize the image block based on the direction structure prior to the overcomplete dictionary, the accurate reconstruction of the image and its local structure is obtained. A dictionary based on direction guidance and the reconstruction strategy of evolutionary search are proposed, in which a kind of use of Ridgelet is designed and proposed. An overcomplete dictionary determines the structure type of the block according to the compression observation of the image block. The image block is determined as one of the smooth, single and multi direction blocks, and the direction structure of the single direction and multi direction block is estimated. According to the structure estimation of the image block, we construct the sparsity for the smooth and single direction image blocks. An evolutionary search reconfiguration strategy directed by direction is designed. In this reconfiguration strategy, a single stage evolutionary reconfiguration strategy is adopted for smooth image blocks; a single directional and multi direction image block is restructured in the first direction based structural sparse model, and then the evolutionary search strategy is used for the reoptimization estimation. The two phase of the reconfiguration is made with the existing evolutionary search strategy. Compared with the evolutionary reconstruction strategy, this reconfiguration strategy can obtain more accurate direction structure estimation and higher reconstruction speed. Through this work, the optimization method based on evolutionary search is shown to be applied in the optimization problem with non convex sparse constraints and other structural priori constraints.


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