
发布时间:2018-07-30 07:01
【摘要】:微波/毫米波信号的产生及处理在电子对抗、雷达、无线通信等领域发挥着重要作用。传统的电子学方法受限于器件带宽,在产生及处理高频、大带宽信号时,会遇到电子“瓶颈”,而利用光子学大带宽、低损耗、抗电磁干扰等优势,可以实现高频率和大带宽的微波信号产生及处理,因而研究微波光子信号产生及处理具有非常重要的战略意义和应用价值。在本论文中,研究了微波光子信号产生及处理的若干关键技术,提出两种利用相移光纤光栅的光电振荡器方案,以产生相位噪声低、频率稳定性高的单频微波信号;给出基于频率-时间映射产生宽带啁啾微波信号方案,可实现较大的时间带宽积,并给出系统数学模型和信号性能分析结果;给出基于频率-时间映射产生相位编码微波信号的数学模型及设计方法,并对信号的性能进行了分析;此外,给出了处理高频宽带微波信号的光子时间拉伸系统理论模型,并对该系统的各项性能进行了研究。本论文的主要创新点和学术贡献如下:1.提出一种利用双峰相移光纤光栅的光电振荡器方案,并进行实验验证。在该方案中,具有窄带透射峰的高精度相移光纤光栅可以实现光电环路的高Q值,同时,系统中双透射峰的频率间隔决定了微波信号的频率大小。该结构不需要使用长光纤和窄带微波滤波器,具有结构紧凑、易集成、损耗低、成本低等优点。该光电振荡器方案在实验中实现了频率为10.6 GHz的微波信号,其相位噪声在距载频10 kHz处为-99.3 dBc/Hz。另外,针对光电振荡器产生微波信号的频率漂移问题,提出一种自锁定式光电振荡器的理论改进方案。该结构中,主要利用梳状光滤波器进行稳频功能,相比附加反馈电路,此结构简单易实现。2.提出一种基于频率-时间映射产生啁啾微波信号的方案,可用于产生较大时间带宽积的啁啾信号。根据该系统的数学模型,并进一步研究了系统产生啁啾微波信号的最大时间带宽积性能。仿真中得到了时间带宽积为368的啁啾微波信号,实验中得到了时间带宽积为61.2的啁啾微波信号。3.给出了基于频率-时间映射产生相位编码信号的系统数学模型,并给出具体的系统设计方法,可用于获得所需的相位编码微波信号。另外,对该系统产生相位编码信号的最大时间带宽积性能进行了研究。通过仿真和实验对理论结果进行了有效地验证,仿真中得到了时间带宽积为263.2相位编码微波信号。该理论可以有效地指导实际系统的设计并获取较好的信号性能。4.给出了严格的光子时间拉伸系统理论模型,精确地表征了系统输出的各阶谐波及互调分量。通过分别研究输入单频、双频信号情况,推导出系统输出各阶谐波、互调分量的严格表达式。基于此理论模型,可极大地简化光子时间拉伸系统的设计,并可对系统各项参数进行估算,如系统带宽、谐波功率、时间带宽积、1 dB压缩点、三阶截点、无杂散动态范围等。利用数值仿真和实验结果对此数学模型进行了验证,仿真中,利用单臂调制器的光子时间拉伸系统无杂散动态范围为119.16 dB-Hz2/3,实验中的系统无杂散动态范围为88.9 dB-Hz2/3。
[Abstract]:The generation and processing of microwave / millimeter wave signal play an important role in electronic countermeasures, radar, wireless communication and other fields. The traditional electronic methods are limited to the bandwidth of the devices. When the high frequency and large bandwidth signals are produced and processed, the electronic "bottleneck" will be encountered, and the advantages of high bandwidth, low loss and electromagnetic interference can be realized by using photons. The generation and processing of microwave signals with high frequency and wide bandwidth are produced and processed. Therefore, it is very important to study the generation and processing of microwave photonic signals. In this paper, some key technologies for the generation and processing of microwave photonic signals are studied. Two kinds of optoelectronic oscillators using phase shifting fiber Bragg gratings are proposed. A single frequency microwave signal with low phase noise and high frequency stability is presented. A wideband chirped microwave signal based on frequency time mapping is presented, which can achieve a larger time bandwidth product, and give the mathematical model of the system and the result of signal performance analysis, and give a mathematical model and setting of a phase coded microwave signal based on frequency time mapping. In addition, the performance of the signal is analyzed. In addition, the theoretical model of the photonic time stretching system for processing high frequency broadband microwave signals is given and the performance of the system is studied. The main innovations and academic contributions of this paper are as follows: 1. a kind of optoelectronic oscillator with Shuangfeng phase shift fiber grating is proposed. In this scheme, the high precision phase shift fiber Bragg grating with the narrow band transmission peak can achieve high Q value of the photoelectric loop. At the same time, the frequency interval of the double transmission peak in the system determines the frequency of the microwave signal. The structure does not need long fiber and narrow band microwave filters, which has compact structure, easy integration and loss. The photoelectric oscillator realizes the microwave signal with a frequency of 10.6 GHz in the experiment, and its phase noise is -99.3 dBc/Hz. at 10 kHz from the carrier frequency. In view of the frequency drift of the microwave signal produced by the photoelectric oscillator, a theoretical improvement scheme for the self locking photoelectric oscillator is proposed. A comb like optical filter is used to stabilize frequency function. Compared with an additional feedback circuit, this structure is simple and easy to realize.2.. A chirped microwave signal based on frequency time mapping is proposed. It can be used to produce chirped signals with larger time bandwidth product. Based on the mathematical model of the system, the chirped micro system is further studied. The maximum time bandwidth product performance of the wave signal. The chirped microwave signal with the time bandwidth product of 368 is obtained in the simulation. In the experiment, the chirped microwave signal with the time bandwidth product of 61.2.3. gives the system mathematical model of the phase coded signal based on the frequency time mapping, and gives a specific system design method, which can be used to obtain the system. In addition, the maximum time bandwidth product performance of the phase coded signal produced by the system is studied. The theoretical results are effectively verified by simulation and experiment. The time bandwidth product of the 263.2 phase coded microwave signal is obtained in the simulation. The theory can effectively guide the establishment of the actual system. In order to obtain better signal performance.4., a strict theoretical model of photon time stretching system is given, which accurately characterizing the harmonic and intermodulation components of each order of the system output. By studying the input single frequency and double frequency signals, the strict expression of the system output harmonics and intermodulation is derived. Based on this theoretical model, it can be greatly improved. The design of the photon time stretching system is simplified, and the parameters of the system can be estimated, such as system bandwidth, harmonic power, time and bandwidth product, 1 dB compression point, three step point, no stray dynamic range and so on. The numerical simulation and experimental results are used to verify the mathematical model, and the photon time stretching of single arm modulator is used in simulation. The system has no spurious dynamic range of 119.16 dB-Hz2/3, and the system has no spurious dynamic range of 88.9 dB-Hz2/3..


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