[Abstract]:With the development of speaker recognition technology, long-term speaker recognition technology in complex channels has become more and more mature, which lays the foundation for its practicality. Among them, global segment difference modeling based on Gaussian mixture model-general background model is simple and convenient, and it can be applied to speaker recognition system. Cheng Zhong combines efficient back-end non-speaker difference compensation models, such as Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA), which has become the mainstream technology in the field of speakers since it was proposed. Session Variability is expressed by a fixed length low-dimensional vector, i.e. the segment difference vector. The segment difference vector contains differences beyond the pronunciation content, including non-speaker differences (mainly channel differences) and speaker differences. On the basis of segment difference vector, further modeling is needed to eliminate the influence of Speaker-Independent differences on speaker recognition. Therefore, the key problem of global segment difference modeling is to extract segment differences and compensate for non-speaker differences at the back end, so as to extract speakers who are helpful to speaker discrimination in speech segments. This paper focuses on the modeling of segment differences and the extraction and discrimination of speaker differences. The main contents are as follows: Firstly, global segment difference modeling can obtain the overall expression of segment differences in speech segments, but it neglects the detail differences in speech segments. In this paper, we propose a local segment difference modeling method to extract the local segment difference which can not be expressed by global segment difference modeling for speaker recognition. Gauss Local Difference Modeling and Dimensional Local Difference Modeling. Furthermore, in Dimensional Local Difference Modeling, we propose to bind the dimensions of acoustic features in different ways, and then extract the local segment differences in the bound dimension combination. There is a complementary ability between the two, so that we can fuse them separately at the system and model levels to achieve better performance than a single model. Second, in global segment difference modeling, when the speech segments used for testing and model training are consistent in text, the global segment difference is achieved. Modeling has good modeling ability for speech segment differences, such as text-independent for long speech segments and text-dependent speaker verification for short speech segments. Based on the idea of local segment difference modeling, we use the acoustic model based on deep neural network in speech recognition to cluster the phoneme states of speech frames and extract the phoneme-related local segment differences. In the modeling method, we adopt the mono-phoneme and tri-phoneme acoustic models respectively. On the basis of the local segment difference vectors extracted from different phonemes, we select the local segment difference vectors according to the phonemes contained in the test phonemes and use them to distinguish the speakers. Thus, we can distinguish the speakers with phoneme correlation and solve the problem of short-term speech. On the basis of phonemes, we further explore the use of speech recognition results to extract segment differences and identify speakers, improve the research of segment differences extraction and speaker discrimination based on pronunciation content. Thirdly, the backend channel compensation based on global segment differences model is the main channel. Streaming technology PLDA is a linear probability model. In this paper, we make a series of improvements to the backend channel compensation model. Firstly, for PLDA, we propose an equivalent score calculation model based on adaptive speaker model. Aiming at the phenomenon of different number of speech segments registered by different speakers and different degree of overlap between different speech segments of the same speaker in the task of multi-segment registered speaker, a model registration method based on the prior distribution parameters of speaker factors is proposed to replace the traditional posterior distribution parameters. In addition, on the basis of speaker adaptation model, channel adaptation is introduced. In each group of tests, the PLDA model is adapted to the channel space of the test speech segment, and then the score is calculated. In this way, we can take into account the specific information of different tests, thereby improving the performance. Secondly, we introduce the deep neural network to extract the nonlinear deep speaker information which exists in the global segment difference vector, and use it to discriminate the speaker, so as to improve the performance of the system.
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