[Abstract]:Synthetic Aperture Lidar (SAR) is a new technology whose resolution in range direction and azimuth direction is independent of range and has great potential in remote sensing field. At present, the experimental research adopts the linear frequency modulation mode, which limits its application to the fast moving platform. There are few researches on phase coded synthetic aperture lidar, and many technical difficulties need further breakthrough. In this paper, the key technology of phase-coded modulation synthetic aperture lidar (SAR) is studied. The main research content is: (1) the development status of synthetic Aperture Lidar at home and abroad is introduced, and the principle of synthetic Aperture is briefly introduced. At the same time, the development of photoelectron technology is reviewed. The principle of typical synthetic aperture lidar (SAR) technology is expounded, the characteristics and limitations of LFM technology are analyzed, and the phase-coded modulation method is proposed. The system parameters of phase-coded synthetic aperture lidar are analyzed, the key technologies are combed, and the key component technology is studied. In this paper, the imaging characteristics of the two kinds of moving objects are summarized and summarized respectively, which includes the translational target and the non-cooperative target. 5) the reflection characteristics of different target surfaces are studied. In this paper, the decoherence characteristics are studied experimentally, and the problems of missing reflection echo and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are considered, and the processing flow of phase coded SAR azimuth direction is proposed. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. The key technologies of phase-coded synthetic aperture lidar are analyzed systematically for the first time, and the important indexes in the system are analyzed in detail, including broadband signal modulation, high repetition frequency optical switch, free space quadrature demodulation, and so on. The key components, such as high speed photoelectric conversion, are used to solve the technical problems, which provide hardware support for the system. 2. 2. For the first time, the imaging ability of phase-coded synthetic aperture lidar for different moving forms and different target characteristics is analyzed, which provides a reference for different applications of phase-coded synthetic aperture lidar. In the case of missing echo and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), an imaging algorithm combining compression sensing and phase coded SAR azimuth processing is proposed, which effectively enhances the practicability of the system.
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