[Abstract]:With the development of reverse engineering, 3D printing and other new design and manufacturing technologies, mesh surfaces are more and more widely used. Mesh surfaces have unique advantages in expressing complex surfaces. In the field of reverse engineering, measurement data often directly generate triangular mesh surfaces. The main research contents and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. A free-form contour layout algorithm based on directional rotation of skeleton line endpoints is proposed. Inspired by the concave and convex feature combination between the layout contour and the current layout contour, and each end point of the contour skeleton line corresponds to the convex feature of the contour, a rotation algorithm of the layout contour based on the end-point orientation of the skeleton line is proposed. The experimental results show that the algorithm can reduce the nesting time and improve the material utilization. 2. The edge contour extraction technology based on morphological image processing is proposed. Z-map is a common processing programming and simulation model. Insufficient smoothness and accuracy of the edge contour result in the tool path generated from the edge contour is not smooth and accurate enough, which affects the machining efficiency and quality.Expansion operation of morphological image processing can make the edge contour of the image smoother by eliminating holes and bridging gaps. Edge contour extraction algorithm of image processing. The algorithm obtains the edge contour by expanding the binary image of the processing area, then extracting and encoding the expanded binary image boundary. Experimental results show that the edge contour extracted by this algorithm is smoother and more accurate than that extracted by traditional algorithm. Slicing method is a common algorithm for extracting parting lines of triangular mesh model based on heuristic search strategy. slicing method ignores the model characteristics between adjacent slices and directly connects the parting points determined by adjacent slices, which results in imprecise parting lines. In this paper, a new method is proposed to obtain the initial parting nodes by slicing, and then, according to the normalized heuristic search cost function, a triangular mesh parting line is obtained by heuristic searching the adjacent parting nodes. The algorithm can extract the triangular mesh model parting line more accurately. 4. An algorithm for generating spatial tool paths with controllable starting position and mapping is proposed. The spatial tool paths can improve the machining efficiency and the final machining quality of surfaces. Because of the inconsistent topology of machining centers, the initial machining position of spatial tool path generated directly by harmonic mapping method is uncontrollable, which is not suitable for machining in many cases. An algorithm for generating spatial ring tool path and spatial spiral tool path based on improved harmonic mapping method is proposed. The experimental results show that this method can solve the problem of topological inconsistency between the center of parametric surface and the machining center of original surface, and make the generated spatial tool path more uniform.
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