[Abstract]:Social networks are virtual networks that can describe real social activities. The clustering results of the virtual networks represent the state of real social groups, which may naturally form for some reason (family members, colleagues or the same interests, etc.). The network structure can reveal the characteristics and development trends of the real society. Although the analysis of the distribution of nodes in the community and the association between communities can help to get the information of user characteristics and network topology, the diversity and complexity of personas and relationships lead to the node attributes and nodes in the social network. Because of the diversity and complexity of point-to-point association, the study of social network structure can not be limited to non-overlapping classification, clustering and other algorithms. If the only valuable knowledge in a social network is the network structure, then the characteristics of a node are the feature sets of all its edges. Social networks allow users to generate personalized data independently, and rich user information is conducive to the full analysis of user characteristics. However, the data generated by users is not standardized and the process of information generation is uncontrollable, so the data is large-scale and low-quality. Therefore, it is more difficult to manage complex network information, and its processing objects can not be limited to written knowledge. We must attach importance to the central node or expert node with a large amount of domain knowledge. It can provide high-quality information for complex networks and expand the effective knowledge reserve of networks.In addition, focusing on core nodes similar to central nodes can help to know the law of information transmission, predict the development trend of network structure, and analyze the probability of node state change.Because the social network is a dynamic network, the stability of the analysis algorithm needs to be improved. Control within a reasonable range, that is, the algorithm is too stable to be sensitive to new data, on the contrary, the algorithm is vulnerable to the impact of temporary information and the wrong division of nodes. Digging algorithms pose challenges, but whether it is social search, personalized recommendation, or multi-role relocation, knowledge mapping is built on the basis of social networks, which is not possible for all network platforms in the past. With the advancement of mobile network technology, social network presents micro-information and mobile features, making the network more comprehensive coverage of life, so the study of social network has attracted more and more researchers, enterprises and government departments'attention. In any case, the low operating costs of social networks, as well as more sticky services, are changing the traditional pattern of the Internet. Temporary attributes and the ability of nodes to maintain their inherent state are used to propose a stable community partitioning algorithm. The algorithm proposed in this paper is not only based on the new data or the existing characteristics of nodes, but also considers the historical data of network topology, the ability of nodes to maintain their inherent state and the degree of change of new data to calculate the state. Secondly, an attribute-based EDGE-BINDING algorithm is proposed to show the complex network structure in a clearer way, which will be similar to the edge-feeding. Thirdly, taking the analyzed object as the central node, the probability of association between the node and the existing path but not directly connected nodes is calculated, so that the effective knowledge of the network can be reasonably expanded to make up for the small data problem of deterministic events, and then according to the belonging of the edges. Fourthly, an information retrieval method for users with more knowledge in the field of interest is proposed, that is, to discover expert users by constructing user interest distribution curve and calculating slope at critical point. Fifthly, a knowledge representation method and an architecture fusion strategy are proposed to discover implicit semantic relationships by mining the structure of multiple documents. This method greatly reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm and improves the accuracy of text matching. Sixthly, a Bayesian network is constructed to reduce the complexity of the probability model, and the influence between nodes in the low density network is analyzed in advance. The method calculates the degree of mutual influence between nodes according to the three different association forms and the shortest distance between users, analyzes the degree of state change of adjacent nodes, and predicts the action trend of central nodes. Finally, the experimental parts of each chapter are introduced in different data sets. The proposed algorithm is compared with other similar algorithms, and the results are visualized and the advantages and differences are explained in detail to verify the feasibility and correctness of the algorithm.
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