本文关键词:基于现代信息技术的BJNAT博物馆发展战略研究 出处:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Chinese Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released in July 21, 2014 thirty-fourth "development Chinese Internet Statistics Report", the report data show that the development of the Internet has reached deep into all sectors of society, the emerging network applications in the field of the whole society, to meet the basic requirements of the users, greatly changed the work of Internet users and life. It is not difficult to see that modern information technology, which is the main manifestation of mobile applications, has brought about the advent of the new economic era. In this era, we have given the sense of competition and the new connotation of mutual benefit to make essential changes in business mode, profit mode, operation method and talent structure. In this paper, the BJNAT Museum informationization project reform, through the "PEST method" and "the Potter five forces model" careful screening of the BJNAT Museum of the macroeconomic environment and industry environment, complete the analysis of BJNAT, the Museum of the external environment of the development of internal conditions analysis, construct the SWOT matrix, and determine the strategic positioning of the BJNAT museum the target, then the BJNAT Museum of strategic choice, ways to implement the combination of strategies. At the level of the positioning of the development strategy of the BJNAT Museum, it embodies the expansion of the basic function of the museum, that is, its entertainment and entertainment functions. The operation mode of online 1:1 3D Museum and Museum complement each other, wireless online expansion, provide recreational recreation environment under the line, BJNAT is an innovative breakthrough in the development of Museum limitations; in the development strategy of the BJNAT museum the target level, is the embodiment of the ecological platform to create the BJNAT Museum as the core of the industry. The platform should be BJNAT Museum as the core of a large loosely connected network, through the new technology of continuous investment, development and integration of other members for the ecological platform provide a new lead. In the ecological platform of this industry, the transverse BJNAT museum or the museum audience around the industry support and awareness, is the leading position in the industry vertical Museum, improve hematopoietic ability, enhance the international awareness, to create a good reputation in the international BJNAT Museum and influence. The research shows that the BJNAT Museum "is among the best in the national museums, enjoys a good reputation in the international museums, talent team construction, sustainable development, scientific research achievements, science and culture spread widely, in the cultural prosperity in the national advocate for the outstanding contribution" strategy is feasible.
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