发布时间:2018-01-12 18:06
本文关键词:云南民族文化强省建设背景下傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用研究 出处:《云南大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 傣文贝叶历史档案 民族文化强省建设 文化产业 发掘利用
【摘要】:随着经济社会的进步,文化发展已成为增强综合国力与实现民族振兴的必然要求。云南,是目前全国少数民族数量最多的省份,拥有着丰富多彩的民族文化,具备发展民族文化产业得天独厚的优势。凭借着自身文化多样性的独特优势,早在1996年云南省就提出建设民族文化大省的设想。党的十七大以后,全社会的文化自觉迅速提高,全国文化建设形成你追我赶、竞相发展的态势。2008年,云南省又出台《中共云南省委云南省人民政府关于建设民族文化强省的实施意见》,正式提出了推动云南民族文化大省向民族文化强省迈进的战略思路。在当前云南民族文化强省建设发展的良好态势下,本文以傣文贝叶历史档案为例,从档案学学科角度对特色类少数民族历史档案发掘利用模式进行了深入探讨。旨在通过构建与实施特色类少数民族历史档案发掘利用系统模式,充分开发云南少数民族档案资源,进一步加强与完善文化产业“云南模式”的建设。 本文共分为七章。 第一章导论 本章包含了研究背景、研究意义、国内外相关研究概况、具体研究方法与研究内容等。文中结合云南民族文化强省建设背景,通过实地调查、文献研究、定量与定性分析相结合及跨学科等研究方法,在国内外现有先进理念与相关成果的基础上,以傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用研究为例,逐步构建“基础(?)内涵”发掘利用模式。该模式的构建与实施不仅进一步丰富了档案学及文化产业相关理论,而且将在民族文化资源的开发实践工作中具有重要的指导意义。 第二章云南民族文化强省建设概况 本章从云南民族文化强省建设的重要意义与相关措施入手,探讨了云南民族文化强省建设大背景与傣文贝叶历史档案资源发掘利用的内在必然联系。 第三章傣族文化的发展传承与傣文贝叶历史档案 本章以傣族文化的构成与特点为切入点,进而论述了傣族文化与傣文贝叶历史档案之间的密切关系:傣文贝叶历史档案源于傣族文化产生与形成,同时也随着傣族文化的繁荣得到进一步发展。从本章第三节傣文贝叶历史档案的构成部分,也可看出该档案资源与傣族文化之间的呼应关系。 第四章傣文贝叶历史档案的学术功能与文化产业开发价值 本章不仅从理论上论述了傣文贝叶历史档案研究历史、宗教、文学艺术、科学技术、生态环境等学术功能,更从资源论角度论证了傣文贝叶历史档案的文化产业开发价值。整章为傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用模式的构建奠定了理论基础。 第五章傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用现状及成因分析 本章以笔者前期完成的相关调研为基础,介绍了目前我国傣文贝叶历史档案的数量、分布与发掘利用基本情况。同时针对制约傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用的资金、人才与观念等因素进行分析,提出了解决问题的初步建议。 第六章傣文贝叶历史档案发掘利用模式构建研究 本章探讨了模式的构成、意义、基本原则和注意事项等,特别引入大量理论依据、政策依据及成果依据,全面论证了傣文贝叶历史档案“基础(?)内涵”发掘利用模式的可操作性。 第七章傣文贝叶历史档案“基础(?)内涵”发掘利用模式的实施 本章分基础性开发与内涵式发掘两步骤,对傣文贝叶历史档案“基础(?)内涵”发掘利用模式的具体实施展开论述。基础性开发包括傣文贝叶历史档案的编目、翻译、数字化建设等环节,内涵式发掘则根据我国《文化及相关产业分类》分别从核心层、外围层、相关层三个层面进行实施。
[Abstract]:Along with the economic and social progress, cultural development has become an inevitable requirement to enhance the comprehensive national strength and realize national rejuvenation. Yunnan is currently the number of the most minority provinces, has a rich and colorful ethnic culture, has the advantages of the development of ethnic culture industry with unique advantages richly endowed by nature. Its cultural diversity, as early as 1996 Yunnan province put forward the construction of national cultural province. After the Party Congress, the cultural consciousness of the whole society increases rapidly, the construction of national culture to the development trend of the formation of race each other,.2008 years, Yunnan province has issued "the CPC Yunnan Provincial People's government of Yunnan Province on the construction of national cultural province implementation opinions, put forward the strategy thinking of promoting Yunnan province culture towards national cultural province. In a good situation of the ethnic culture of Yunnan province construction development, this paper In Dai Bayeux historical archives as an example, from the archives to explore in-depth discussion on the characteristics of the minority class utilization mode of historical archives discipline perspective. Through the construction and implementation of characteristic minority history archives utilization system model, the full development of Yunnan ethnic archives resources, further strengthen and perfect the construction of cultural industry "Yunnan mode".
This article is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter one introduction
This chapter includes the research background, research significance, related research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and research content. Based on the national culture of Yunnan province construction research background, through on-the-spot investigation, literature, quantitative and qualitative analysis and interdisciplinary research methods, based on the existing domestic and foreign advanced concepts and related results, with Dai Bayeux historical archives to explore the use of case study, and gradually build "(?) to utilize the connotation" mode. The construction and implementation of the model not only enriched the archives and cultural theory, but also has important guiding significance in the national culture resources development practice.
The second chapter of the construction of Yunnan national culture strong province
Starting from the significance and relevant measures of Yunnan's strong construction of national culture, this chapter discusses the inherent necessity of the construction of Yunnan's strong national culture province and the exploration and utilization of the Dai's historical archives resources.
The third chapter of the development and inheritance of the Dai culture and the historical archives of the Dai literature
In this chapter the composition and characteristics of Dai culture as the starting point, and then discusses the close relationship between the Dai culture and Dai Bayeux Historical Archives: Dai Bayeux historical archives from the Dai culture and the form, along with the further development of Dai culture prosperity. From the part of the third section of this chapter Dai Wen the Bayeux historical archives, also can see echoes of the relationship between archives resources and Dai culture.
The fourth chapter the academic function of the historical archives of the Dai literature and the value of the development of the cultural industry
This chapter not only discusses the theoretical history, historical archives Dai Wen Bei leaves the study of religion, literature and art, science and technology, ecological environment and other academic function, more resources from the perspective of cultural industry development demonstrates the value of Dai Bayeux historical archives. The whole chapter Weidai the history of the Bayesian model using dig file to lay a theoretical foundation.
The fifth chapter analysis of the present status and causes of the historical archives of the Dai literature
In this chapter the author's early research as the foundation, introduced the number of China's Dai Bayeux historical archives at present, distribution and use of the basic situation. At the same time constraints for the Dai Wen Bei leaves using historical archives excavation of the capital, talent and concepts such as factor analysis, put forward suggestions to solve the problems.
The sixth chapter of the study on the pattern construction of the historical archives of the Dai literature
This chapter discusses the structure, significance, basic principles and matters needing attention of the model, especially introducing a lot of theoretical basis, policy basis and achievement basis, which fully demonstrates the operability of the "foundation" connotation of "Bei Yi" historical archives.
The seventh chapter of the Dai Wen Bei's historical archives "basic (?) connotation" implementation of the exploration and utilization model
This chapter is divided into basic connotation development and explore the two steps of Dai Bayeux historical archives "(?) meaning" exploring the specific implementation mode is discussed. The basic development including Dai Bayeux historical archives cataloging, translation, digital construction and other sectors, the connotation of excavations according to our country "culture and related industry classification > respectively from the core layer, the outer layer, the implementation of three aspects of the relevant layer.
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