本文选题:高校图书馆 切入点:馆员 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Librarians are important strategic resources for library development. The work status of librarians directly affects the overall performance and image of the library. The job satisfaction of librarians is the total reaction of the librarians to the psychology and physiology of their work. Reflecting the operation of the library, It is helpful for senior leaders to find problems and improve management system. The research on librarians' job satisfaction started earlier in foreign countries. The current international research on this field is focused on the influencing factors of librarians' job satisfaction. According to the research direction of domestic scholars in recent years, it can be seen that. Firstly, this paper summarizes the background of librarian job satisfaction and the current research situation at home and abroad. The second chapter summarizes the connotation and related theories of librarian job satisfaction. Through the method of questionnaire investigation, the three departments investigated the job satisfaction of librarians in several colleges and universities in Henan Province. In the fourth part, the effective questionnaire was selected after the questionnaire was collected, and the SPSS statistical software was used. In the process of analysis, descriptive analysis and analysis of variance were mainly used. Based on the demographic variables, the paper analyzes the difference of librarians' job satisfaction. Finally, the paper puts forward specific countermeasures to improve librarians' job satisfaction, as well as the prospects for the future and the shortcomings of the paper. The analysis shows that the job satisfaction of male librarians is higher than that of women. The degree of satisfaction of unmarried librarians is generally higher than that of married librarians. Except for middle-level librarians, the degree of satisfaction of unmarried librarians is generally higher than that of married librarians. The degree of satisfaction of librarians in middle-level and basic-level positions is not much different, and is significantly lower than that of leaders at the library level. Except for doctoral degree, the degree of satisfaction of librarians in middle-level and basic-level positions is significantly lower than that of leaders at library level. On the basis of this analysis, some suggestions are put forward on the basis of this analysis, such as different age, degree, position and so on, whether the librarian's degree is a map or a file, or not, has no effect on the librarian's job satisfaction. In order to promote the work satisfaction of university librarians.
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