本文选题:档案管理 切入点:科研档案 出处:《中国管理信息化》2017年04期
[Abstract]:The formation of scientific research archives is a kind of scientific and cultural materials formed by the scientific research results, data, information, pictures and texts of the relevant staff of the scientific research departments, and the collection and collation of the scientific and cultural materials.What is recorded in the scientific research archives is the research direction and research field of a certain scientific research achievement, it is a scientific research result, is the collection of the information resources of this research achievement, has the great development, the preservation and the utilization value.With the development of economy in our country, the scientific research projects of scientific research departments are increasing day by day, which leads to the management and establishment of scientific research archives becoming more and more complicated.Therefore, taking scientific research archives as an important work of scientific research management plays an extremely important role in reflecting the value of scientific research results.
【作者单位】: 山东省中医药研究院;
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