本文选题:李明华 + 国家档案局 ; 参考:《中国档案》2017年07期
[Abstract]:On June 5, the State Archives Bureau held a national archival security work conference in Tianjin. Li Minghua, director of the State Archives Bureau, attended the meeting and spoke. Li Yi, member of the standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal CPC Committee and secretary general of the municipal party committee, delivered a speech at the meeting.Wang Shaozhong, deputy director of the State Archives Bureau, presided over the meeting.In his speech, Li Minghua urged archives departments at all levels to thoroughly implement the overall concept of national security, and to understand and advance the work of archives security from the height of safeguarding national security.We should sum up experience, grasp the basic requirements of archival security work accurately, insist on safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management, standardized operation, scientific and technological support, and ensure archival entity and information security;
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