[Abstract]:[objective / significance] Bibliometrics and content analysis are important analytical paradigms in the fields of information science and information resource management. The comprehensive study of the two paradigms provides a new methodological system for the development of information science. However, in the field of public policy, especially in the field of quantitative policy research, the comprehensive research of the two paradigms is seldom explored. This paper draws on the comprehensive research thought and constructs the comprehensive quantitative research method of policy literature, which is helpful to promote the scientific research of policy research. [method / process] taking the policy of China's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry as an example, the external attributes of policy documents are analyzed from three aspects: the time of publication, the subject words and the agencies, and the internal semantic mining of the documents is carried out based on the policy tools. [results / conclusion] it is found that the policy development of China's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry has gone through three periods: independent innovation and optimization of industrial structure are the focus of policy; The policy promulgating departments present the co-existence of cooperative inter-governmental relations and follower-type inter-government relations, and the structure of policy tools is not reasonable. The research shows that the comprehensive quantitative study of policy documents based on bibliometrics and content analysis can judge the path of policy change, clarify the policy intention, identify the cooperative mode of policy subject, and observe the structure of policy tools.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学法政学院;东北大学文法学院;
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