[Abstract]:Biological invasion is a serious threat to biodiversity and ecosystem health, resulting in great losses to the global environment and economy, while rapid climate change significantly affects the diffusion and invasion process of alien organisms. The research situation of biological invasion under the background of climate change can grasp the current situation and hot spot of international research in this field macroscopically, and provide a reference for further understanding the invasion mechanism of alien species and making reasonable prevention and cure strategy. Based on the scientific citation index extension (SCI-E) data from the scientific literature database (Web of Science) in the last 27 years (1990-2016), this paper makes a bibliometric analysis of the biological invasion under climate change using TDA and other statistical tools. The results showed that 1 736 papers were published in the past 27 years, and the number of papers kept increasing, and it began to develop rapidly in 2009. The research in this field involves many subjects, such as environmental science and ecology, biodiversity conservation, botany and so on. Professor Chown SL of Monash University in Australia had the highest number of papers (35), the total number of papers published in the United States (708) and the number of cited papers were high, and the number of papers with high influence factors ranked first in the world. The university of California (93 articles) has the largest number of publications, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) ranks 10th (27) in the world in terms of the number of papers published. BIOBIC is the most widely published academic journal; species distribution models, biodiversity, global warming. Risk assessment is a hot topic in this field in recent years. 52 papers have been published in China. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the largest publishing institution in China, including the Animal Research Institute, Wuhan Botanical Garden, The number of papers issued by the Institute of Plant Science ranks first in the scientific research system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the number of papers on high impact factors and the intensity of international cooperation in the field of biological invasion due to climate change in China are in urgent need of improvement. The future needs to focus on the prediction and risk assessment of biological invasion under climate change, the relationship between biological invasion and biodiversity, the phylogenetic evolution of invasive species, the multi-nutrient level relationship of invasive ecosystems, and the invasion of marine life. Biological invasion and human health.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院武汉文献情报中心;中国科学院武汉植物园;
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