[Abstract]:[objective] to analyze the present situation of meta analysis papers in oncology, and to explore the correlation between the types of journals and the citations of meta analysis papers in oncology. [methods] the meta analysis papers of oncology collected by SCI from 2011 to 2016 were selected as the research objects, the citation frequency of the papers was extracted, the country of publication and the influence factors of the journals were obtained. [results] although the number of published meta analysis papers of oncology in China is the first in the world, but the frequency of citation is the lowest in 2011-2016, the number of open meta analysis papers is on the rise. There was a low correlation between citation frequency and periodical type in meta analysis of oncology. The frequency of citation of non-open journal papers analyzed by meta was higher than that of open access journals. [conclusion] Open access journals for meta analysis of oncology have no citation advantage, and the quality of papers is still the main factor of citation frequency in meta analysis.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院图书馆;
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