[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the information age, the effective use of resources is very important, the construction of the library has also been greatly changed, the traditional library resources construction can no longer meet the needs of contemporary people for information and knowledge. The library as a centralized management of knowledge sources, its change for the acquisition of knowledge has a great role. The Party School is the source of our Party's advanced ideological and theoretical knowledge. Its construction shoulders the important responsibility of information consultation, teaching and scientific research, and the positive guidance of the Party School students. With the rapid development of digital resources, the Party School is the source of our Party's advanced ideological and theoretical knowledge. The construction of the digital resources of the Party school library is not only the requirement of the times, but also the urgent need of the party school individual personnel training. Therefore, strengthening the construction of the digital resources of the party school library is of great importance to the leading cadres at all levels of the Party. The ideological training of young talents has a very big guiding and promoting role.
【作者单位】: 贵州省委党校图书馆;
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