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发布时间:2018-10-05 18:41
[Abstract]:Reading is now a trend in our country. Reading more books, reading good books and reading classic books has always been the main theme of advocating universal reading in our country. In March 2014, "National Reading" was first reported by the government of the second session of the Twelfth National people's Congress. This is unprecedented in our country's history. In March 2015, the government work report once again wrote "advocate for universal reading," and we firmly believe that our country will make further progress on this activity in the future. The library took on this glorious historical mission naturally in this activity. Therefore, the whole library circle of our country, including public library, university library and so on, has achieved good results. But in the whole country, the basic library is always a weak link, and it still needs improvement in carrying out the reading activities of the people. Jilin Province belongs to the underdeveloped province of economic development and is located at the border of the three countries of China Russia and North Korea. It is a special multi-ethnic province. At present, Jilin Province still has many ways and methods to explore. Especially in the face of funds, human resources are not optimistic grass-roots libraries, in order to win government support and take the basis of self-help, play their own public good nature, promote reading, improve the cultural literacy of the masses, a long way to go. This paper first introduces the background and significance of the selected topic, and summarizes the research situation at home and abroad. In the second chapter, it expounds the concepts, origins and present situation of basic level library and national reading. Through analysis, the basic library should play a role in popularizing the national reading activities. From the beginning of the third chapter to the end of the fifth chapter is the main part of this paper. The third and fourth chapters are the chapter of this paper to introduce the present situation of Jilin Province. The third chapter introduces the achievements of the basic library reading activities in Jilin province, and the fourth chapter analyzes the existing problems. In addition to the network investigation and literature investigation, the author also carried out the research on the theme of this paper by the way of field visit, summed up the shortcomings and problems of the basic library of Jilin Province in carrying out the reading activities of the whole people, and got the strategy part of the fifth chapter. This paper puts forward that we should improve from the government support and the self-construction of the grass-roots libraries. At the same time, the grass-roots libraries should also form a virtuous circle of communication with the public, so that the reading activities of the whole people can become more effective and the masses benefit more. Finally, to achieve the goal of the people to share the fruits of cultural development. The last part of the paper is the summary part, which gives the expectation to the reading promotion work in Jilin province.


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