[Abstract]:[objective / significance] to analyze the promotion effect of general branch library service mode on reading promotion activities, and introduce the theme reading activities of Dalian Children's Pavilion based on the general branch library service mode. It provides some experience for public libraries to carry out children's reading promotion activities. [methods] using the method of in-depth interview, to understand the practice of Dalian Children's Pavilion General Branch Service Mode. The library has constructed a trinity of policy, capital and management, built a children's reading platform for the promotion of reading for all, and carried out a series of thematic reading activities. Including Rainbow Bridge Reading (including brand series reading promotion activities and general branch library reading promotion activities) and digital poverty alleviation two major themes. [results / conclusion] the service of the General Branch Library can give full play to the role of literature resources and reading guidance of the General Library to all levels of branch libraries, and it also creates conditions for the development of reading assistance to the poverty-stricken areas in the western region.
【作者单位】: 辽宁师范大学管理学院;
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