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发布时间:2020-10-21 20:08
Chapter Ⅰ: Introduction
    1.1 Background
    1.2 Problem Statment
    1.3 Research Questions
    1.4 Significant of the Study
    1.5 Theoretical Framework
    1.6 Limitation of the Study
Chapter Ⅱ: Literature Review
    2.1 Information Retrieval of Children
    2.2 Information Retrieval Ability of Children
        2.2.1 Creating Search Queries
        2.2.2 Typing Query
        2.2.3 Select Appropriate Information
        2.2.4 Understand the Information
    2.3 The Factors That Influence Children Ability in Information Retrieval
        2.3.1 Family Factors
        2.3.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Knowledge and Experience Factors
    2.4 Children Satisfaction in Information Retrieval
Chapter Ⅲ: Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Method
    3.2 Ethic Consideration
    3.3 Research Instruments
    3.4 Participant
    3.5 Data Collection Procedure
    3.6 Data Analysis
Chapter Ⅳ: Data Analysis and Results
    4.1 Data Analysis
    4.2 Result
        4.2.1 Descriptive Analysis
   Demography Data Profile Of Children
   Demography Data of Family Affecting Children on Their Information Search
   Children's Knowledge and Experience Factors on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
        4.2.2 Research Questions Analysis
   Research Question Number 1
   Research Question Number 2
   Research Question Number 3
Chapter Ⅴ: Discussion and Conclusion
    5.1 Discussion
        5.1.1 Information Retrieval Ability of Indonesian Children
        5.1.2 The influence factors of children information search ability
   Family Support factors
   Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Knowledge and Experience Factors
        5.1.3 Children Satisfaction in Information Retrieval
    5.2 Conclusion
    5.3 Implication
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C


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