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发布时间:2016-06-08 18:03


《Research on Library Science》 2012-15

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The capability of the students is an important factor to measure the teaching quality.Improving the capability of the students majored in Science of Library Information and Archival is not only the core for the education reform,but also the key for the cultivation of high-quality talents.In line with the principle of innovation in teaching and management,the paper proposes some new teaching modes based on College-Library Joint Supervision according to the education reality of the science in universities of Liaoning Province.

【Key Words】: library science information science archival science professional education teaching reform
【CateGory Index】: G250

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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 1 Hits

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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 4 Hits

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4 XIAO Yong - ying,LU Ting,School of Information Management,Sun Yat -Sen University,510006,China;The Characteristics of Postgraduate Library & Information Science Education in the British Universities[J];Journal of Medical Informatics;2012-08

【Secondary Citations】

Chinese Journal Full-text Database 2 Hits

1 Shen Guchao (Department of Documentation and Information Science, Nanjing University );Librarians Without Libraries[J];LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE;1997-01

2 Xie Yangqun;An Approach to a Number of Problems about Strengthening the Subject Developmen of Chinese Library and Information Sciences and the Development of this Special Field of Study[J];THE JOURNAL OF THE LIBRARY SCIENCE IN CHINA;1997-01





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