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发布时间:2016-08-19 10:22




普遍认为世界由物质、能量、信息三大要素组成的今天,人们越来越重视信息的获取与利用。历史档案是人类历史档案记录者,是一种重要的公共信息资源。社会公众对公共信息的知情权越来越重视,要求拥有获取信息的平等机会,这就迫使档案工作者突破“重保管,轻利用”的思想禁锢,探索历史档案提供利用的新模式。网络的发展显著加快了信息传播的速度,扩大了信息传播的范围,为档案工作者提供了历史档案利用的最佳平台。与此同时,主张借助网络平台,基于免费、开放的原则将各个学科和领域的信息及时、迅速、无障碍且高效地传递给每一个用户的开放获取理念给档案信息资源共享带来了新启迪。开放获取理念正满足了历史档案资源借助网络平台提升开发与利用服务效能进而实现其价值的要求,为历史档案网络存取研究奠定了思想基础。首先,本文说明了研究的理论及现实意 义,研究了历史档案利用的相关概念及理论,夯实理论基础,在此基础上述评国内外的相关研究。其次,本文有选择地调查了33家省级档案网站以了解我国历史档案网络服务近况,从档案网站提供的历史档案检索形式、检索深度、检索范围以及网站间的互操作情况多个方面进行调查。通过广泛地调研,了解历史档案网络利用建设的现实情况,浅析浅析其存在的主要不足及可能的理由,进而论证历史档案开展网络存取的必要性和可行性。再次,本文研究了历史档案网络存取的原则与策略。在浅析浅析将开放获取理念应用于我国历史档案网络存取可行性的基础上,构建基于开放获取协议(OAI)的我国历史档案网络共享框架,为社会公众利用网络搜索引擎获取档案资源提供新途径。通过研究历史档案数据提供方模块、历史档案服务提供方模块与注册服务模块的结构与功能,各模块的配合组成我国历史档案网络存取总体框架,整合全国的历史档案资源,摆脱时间与空间的限制为用户提供方便、快捷的信息服务。最后,本文研究了历史档案网络存取的保障措施,主要从政策、资金、技术、人员四个方面给出倡议供档案工作者参考。历史档案网络存取是一个复杂的系统工程,需要国家政策、标准体系、法律法规进行引导与规范。我国档案数字化建设主要依靠政府财政拨款,还需要积极调动各种社会资源增加历史档案网络存取的资金来源渠道,与此同时,档案部门也需要深入挖掘历史档案的社会价值并将其转化为经济价值。在深入调研基础上,浅析浅析现有档案人才队伍状况,根据新时期档案人才技能需求提出全国性档案教育革新思路,探寻档案人才培养方案。历史档案网络存取涉及到的基础设施建设、网络安全等技术不足,可以与和技术成熟的高校、科研院所、专业公司进行合作,采用联合开发、业务外包等方式,提高档案部门建设历史档案网络存取项目的效率与质量。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology, there is a growing emphasis on information accession and use. History archives which are records of human history are important public information resources. The public have rights to know the public information and ask to have equal opportunities to access information, which forces the archivists to break the old idea of "highly keeping but lowly utilized" and to explore the new model of accessing to history archives. The development of networks significantly accelerated the speed of information dissemination, and expanded the scope of information dissemination, which also provide the best platform for the archivists to exploit historical archives. At the same time, OAI which based on free and open principles, advocates use of the network platform, can transfer the information of different disciplines and in different fields efficiently without any obstacles, has brought new inspiration for the sharing of archives resources. The concept of OAI meets the requirement of the history archives with the help of Internet to enhance the efficiency of development and utilization of history archives so as to realize the value of the performance, and establish the theoretical foundation for network access of history archives.Firstly, this paper states the theoretical and practical significance of research, and studies the use of historical archives related concepts and theories to tamp theoretical basis, at the end of this part reviewed the domestic and foreign correlation research.Secondly, I have investigated the 33 archive websites which are at or above the provincial level to learn about the status of network services of our history archives in our country, from search form, search depth and search scope the site provided and interoperability between sites to investigate the situation. Through extensive research, utilization and construction status of the history archives network were understood and the existing problems and possible causes are analyzed. Then the necessity and feasibility of network access history archives are demonstrated.Thirdly, this paper studies of the principles and methods of network access to history archives. On the basis of analysing the feasibility of OA used in network access to history archives to build a share framework of historical archives network based on OAI-PMH, the aim is to provide the public a new way to use search engines to get network resources. By studying Data Provider module, Service Provider module and registration module of the historical archives and the structure and function of each module, the overall framework of network access to history archives are established. This framework can integrate resources of our country’s history archives and get rid of time and space restrictions to provide users with convenient and efficient information service.Finally, to assure the network access to history archives, this research gives some advice mainly from the policy, fund, technology to archivists for recommendations. History archives network access is a complex system which needs national policies, standards, laws and regulations to guide and regulate. Construction of digital archives mainly rely on government financial allocations, but the social resources are also needed to actively mobilized to increase the funds. At the same time, archives departments also need to explore the social value of history archives and translate it into economic value. According to the actual needs, this paper proposes education reform ideas and explored the archivists training programs. The construction of infrastructure, network security and other technical issues which are related to network access should cooperate with universities, research institutes, professional firms who has maturity technical to improve efficiency and quality of the and the project of history archives network access.

【关键词】 历史档案; 开放存取; OAI-PMH;
【Key words】 History archives; Open Access; OAI-PMH;

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