
发布时间:2018-11-02 16:40
[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the construction and operation of 29 CSSCI management publications. About 27.5% of academic journals have their own websites, but most of the websites are not good in the later stage. The article points out that academic journals should establish characteristic websites according to their own characteristics, and then try to improve the efficiency of website utilization so as to increase the citation rate, the total citation frequency, the influence factors and the academic influence of the journals. Through the BBS or QQ online conversation, enhance the interactive, timely view, reply to the author's readers' questions, understand the needs of the author's readers, dynamic, do a good service for readers; At the same time, we can develop appropriate educational products through the function of value-added service of members, and advertise and popularize related educational products and services. It also tries to cooperate with other commercial websites to attract more advertisements, so as to explore the profit model for academic publications and find new economic growth points.
【作者单位】: 华东经济管理杂志社


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