材料科学与工程专业英语课后答案 匡少平
Unit 1 Materials Science and Engineering Materials science 材料科学 Naked eye 肉眼 Optical property 光学性能 Mechanical strength 机械强度
Stone age 石器时代 Bronze age 铜器时代 Integrated circuit 集成电路 T
hermal conductivity 导热性
materials science is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry, physics,metallurgy, engineering and very recently life sciences. One aspect of materials sciences involves studying and designing materials to make them useful and reliable in the service of human kind . 材料科学是一门交叉学科,研究内容包括化学,物理学,冶金学,工程学和最近的生命科学。它其 中的一个方面涉及到研究和设计材料使其对人们在应用中有用和可靠。 Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical ,and deteriorative(变化、恶化). 实际上,固体材料的所有重要的性质可以分成六个不同的种类:机械性能、电性能、热性能、磁性 能、光性能和内耗。 In addition to structure and properties , two other important components are involved in the sciences and engineering of materials , namely “processing ” and “performance”. 除了组织性能之外,另外两个重要的性质也包括在材料科学和工程之中,即“加工”和“特性” The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationship ,as well as processing techniques of material ,the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria (标准). 工程师或科学家对材料的特征、 组织性能以及生产工艺越熟悉, 他们就越自信和精通的在这些标准 中做出明智的材料选择, 交叉科学 固体材料 力学性质 材料加工 interdisciplinary study solid materials mechanical property materials processing 介电常数 dielectric constant 热容 heat capacity 电磁辐射 electromagnetism radiation 弹性系数(模数) elastic modulus
Unit 2 Classification of Materials Composite materials 复合材料 Advanced materials 尖端材料 Transportation vehicle 交通工具 Nonrenewable resources 非再生资源
Organic compound 有机化合物 Nuclear energy 核能 Raw materials 原料 Recycling technology 循环工艺
Metals are extremely good conductor of electricity and hear ,and are not transparent to visible light;a polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance. 金属是电和热的良导体,并且不能透过可见光;一个磨光的金属表面具有一个光泽的外形。 Ceramic are typically insulative to the passage of electricity and heat , and are more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers. 陶瓷是电和热的典型的绝缘体,并且相对金属和聚合物更具有抵抗高温和恶劣的环境。
Unit 1 Materials Science and Engineering Materials science 材料科学 Naked eye 肉眼 Optical property 光学性能 Mechanical strength 机械强度
Stone age 石器时代 Bronze age 铜器时代 Integrated circuit 集成电路 Thermal conductivity 导热性
materials science is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry, physics,metallurgy, engineering and very recently life sciences. One aspect of materials sciences involves studying and designing materials to make them useful and reliable in the service of human kind . 材料科学是一门交叉学科,研究内容包括化学,物理学,冶金学,,工程学和最近的生命科学。它其 中的一个方面涉及到研究和设计材料使其对人们在应用中有用和可靠。 Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical ,and deteriorative(变化、恶化). 实际上,固体材料的所有重要的性质可以分成六个不同的种类:机械性能、电性能、热性能、磁性 能、光性能和内耗。 In addition to structure and properties , two other important components are involved in the sciences and engineering of materials , namely “processing ” and “performance”. 除了组织性能之外,另外两个重要的性质也包括在材料科学和工程之中,即“加工”和“特性” The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationship ,as well as processing techniques of material ,the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria (标准). 工程师或科学家对材料的特征、 组织性能以及生产工艺越熟悉, 他们就越自信和精通的在这些标准 中做出明智的材料选择, 交叉科学 固体材料 力学性质 材料加工 interdisciplinary study solid materials mechanical property materials processing 介电常数 dielectric constant 热容 heat capacity 电磁辐射 electromagnetism radiation 弹性系数(模数) elastic modulus
Unit 2 Classification of Materials Composite materials 复合材料 Advanced materials 尖端材料 Transportation vehicle 交通工具 Nonrenewable resources 非再生资源
Organic compound 有机化合物 Nuclear energy 核能 Raw materials 原料 Recycling technology 循环工艺
Metals are extremely good conductor of electricity and hear ,and are not transparent to visible light;a polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance. 金属是电和热的良导体,并且不能透过可见光;一个磨光的金属表面具有一个光泽的外形。 Ceramic are typically insulative to the passage of electricity and heat , and are more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers. 陶瓷是电和热的典型的绝缘体,并且相对金属和聚合物更具有抵抗高温和恶劣的环境。
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