发布时间:2017-08-24 04:25
【摘要】: 科研论文(Research Articles, RA)是科研人员发表其科研成果的一种主要形式。在国际学术界,长期以来,英语一直是撰写科研论文的媒介语言。在国内外,英语科研论文写作的教与学都非常重要,这一点在国内也备受关注。自从上世纪七十年代起,人们就开始了对科研论文的研究并且产生了诸多成果。比如Swales提出科研论文的结构包括引言-方法-结果-讨论四个部分,还有许多学者对于论文的语法特征做出了研究,等等。以衔接原则对科研论文中的功能句式所作的研究仍不多见,而英语句式和汉语句式的对比研究则更不多见。 本文试图通过对汉语与英语科研论文的对比,对汉英科研论文各功能句式语篇衔接原则的异同做出总结与分析,并试图总结出论文中引言部分和材料与方法部分的规律。本研究从英汉科研论文中分别选取了60篇语篇,对每个语篇的衔接原则分别进行统计,每种衔接原则的频率也加以计算;通过对比对汉英科研论文各功能语篇的衔接原则进行总结与讨论;研究中样本均来自国内国际主要核心期刊,对数据的处理由Excel 2007软件实现。研究发现,在引言中,汉英RA的共同点是自然顺序原则和指称原则共同被使用;不同点在于累赘省略原则和共有知识省略原则上。在材料与方法部分,两者呈现出的共同点是一致性原则高频率被使用以及自然顺序原则的共同使用;不同点在于阻断原则、指称原则以及共有知识省略原则的使用上。这些异同点揭示出在撰写英语科研论文时,中国的科研人员应针对相同之处,则可依照汉语论文的原则展开;而对于不同之处,做出相应调整,以期撰写出与国际接轨的英语科研论文。
【关键词】:汉英科研论文 衔接原则 对比研究
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-6
- Contents6-9
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-11
- 1.1 Background of the Study9
- 1.2 Objectives of the Study9-10
- 1.3 Structure of the Thesis10-11
- Chapter 2 Review of Literature11-23
- 2.1 Researches on RA11-15
- 2.1.1 Definitions of RA11-12
- 2.1.2 Development of RA12-13
- 2.1.3 Previous Research on the Macro-Structure of RA13
- 2.1.4 Research on the Micro-Structure of RA13-15
- Research on the Introduction Section of RA14
- Research on the Method Section of RA14
- Research on Result,Discussion/Conclusion Section of RA14-15
- Research on different sections of RA by Chinese scholars15
- 2.2 Researches on the Chinese Paratactic Sentences15-21
- 2.2.1 Definitions of the Chinese Paratactic Sentences16
- 2.2.2 Features of Paratactic Sentences16-19
- Phonetic Features of Chinese Paratactic Sentences16-17
- Semantic Feature of Chinese Paratactic Sentences17
- Syntactic Features of Paratactic Sentences17-19
- 2.2.3 Reasons for the Syntactic Features of Paratactic Sentences19-20
- 2.2.4 Connective Measures of Chinese Paratactic Sentences20-21
- 2.2.5 Reviews on English Outputs for Chinese Paratactic Sentences21
- 2.3 Significance of the Present Study21-23
- Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework23-33
- 3.1 The Development of the Theories of Cohesion23-24
- 3.2. The Most Influential Theories and Their Limitations24-29
- 3.2.1 The Macro-structure Theory by Van Dijk24
- 3.2.2 The Illocutionary Act Theory by Widdowson24-25
- 3.2.3 The Rhetorical Structure Theory by Mann,Matthiessen and Thompson25
- 3.2.4 The Mental Framework Theory by Brown and Yule25-26
- 3.2.5 The Thematic Progression Theory by Danes and Fries26
- 3.2.6 The Register and Cohesion Theory by Halliday & Hasan26-27
- 3.2.7 Hu Zhuanglin's Theory on Discourse Cohesion and Coherence27
- 3.2.8 Zhang and Liu's Development on the Theory of Cohesion and Coherence27-29
- 3.3 Some Differences between Chinese and English Languages29-33
- 3.3.1 Reasons behind Syntagmatic Pivot and Paradigmatic Pivot30
- 3.3.2 Hypotaxis and Parataxis30-33
- Hypotaxis30-31
- Parataxis31
- Hypotaxis in English and Parataxis in Chinese31
- Hypotaxis in English Syntax and Parataxis in Chinese Syntax31-33
- Chapter 4 Methodology33-40
- 4.1 Corpus Establishment33-34
- 4.2 Data Collection34-36
- 4.2.1 Data Collection for Sentences of Materials of the RA35-36
- 4.2.2 Data Collection for Sentences of Methods of the RA36
- 4.2.3 Data Collection for Sentences of location,definition and function of the RA36
- 4.3 Identification of Cohesion Principles36-38
- 4.4 Data Processing38-40
- Chapter 5 Results and Discussion40-74
- 5.1 Cohesion Principles of the Location Discourse of the RA40-43
- 5.1.1 Similarity:the Shared Knowledge Ellipsis Principle and the Reference Principle41-43
- Similarity:the Shared Knowledge Ellipsis Principle41-42
- Similarity:the Reference Principle42-43
- 5.1.2 Discussion43
- 5.2 Cohesion Principles of the Function Discourse of the RA43-47
- 5.2.1 Similarity:The Natural Sequence Principle45
- 5.2.2 Difference:The Redundancy Principle45-46
- 5.2.3 Discussion46-47
- 5.3 Cohesion Principles of the Definition Discourse of the RA47-48
- 5.4 Results and Discussion in Introduction section of RAs48-55
- 5.4.1 Results in Introduction section of RAs48-49
- 5.4.2 Discussion:Similarities in Blockage Principle,Natural Sequence Principle and ReferencePrinciple49-52
- 5.4.3 Differences:Redundancy Principle and Shared Knowledge Ellipsis Principle52-55
- 5.5 Cohesion Principles of the Materials Discourse of the RA55-61
- 5.5.1 Similarity:the Reference Principle56-58
- 5.5.2 Differences:the Blockage Principle58-59
- 5.5.3 Difference:the Shared Knowledge Ellipsis Principle59-60
- 5.5.4 Difference:Consistency Principle and Natural Sequence Principle60
- 5.5.5 Discussion60-61
- 5.6 Cohesion Principles of the Methods Discourse of the RA61-67
- 5.6.1 Similarity:Blockage Principle,Consistency Principle,Reference Principle,NaturalSequence Principle and Shared Knowledge Ellipsis Principle63-67
- Similarity:Blockage Principle63-65
- Similarity:Consistency Principle65-66
- Similarity:Reference Principle66-67
- 5.6.2 Discussion67
- 5.7 Results and Dixcussion in Materials and Methods section of RAs67-74
- 5.7.1 Results in Materials and Methods section of RAs67-68
- 5.7.2 Discussion:Similarities in Consistency Principle and Natural Sequence Principle68-70
- 5.7.3 Discussion:Differences in Blockage Principle,Reference Principle and Shared KnowledgeEllipsis Principle70-74
- Chapter 6 Conclusion74-78
- 6.1 Comparison of Cohesion Principles-Introduction Section of Chinese RAs v.s.IntroductionSection of English RAs74-75
- 6.2 Comparison of Cohesion Principles-Material & Methods Section of Chinese RAs v.s.Thatof English RAs75
- 6.3 Comprehensive Comparison between Chinese RAs and English RAs75-78
- References78-81
- Appendix81-98
- 个人简介98-99
- 导师简介99-100
- 获得成果目录清单100-101
- Acknowledgement101
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前2条
1 常远;科研论文中汉语非主谓句的类型与功能研究[D];北京林业大学;2012年
2 刘红艳;《我爱我家》中的流水句句法研究[D];湖北师范学院;2012年