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发布时间:2024-06-08 04:32
  许多研究表明植物叶能较好的生物监测大气中污染物的浓度水平。为了了解不同树叶对有机污染物的富集能力,2011年8月在长白山地区5个地点采集54种植物87个植物叶样品(一年生落叶树种)并且利用气流吹扫微注射器萃取技术(GP-MSE)联合气相色谱质谱测定植物叶中7种低分子量的多环芳烃。实验结果表明植物叶中总PAHs的浓度水平有所变化,范围是73.9-398ng g-1(干重)。在长白山北部偏迎风坡和东北部背风坡分别检测最高和最低的PAHs浓度水平,此外在同一地点不同树叶中检测的浓度水平相似,差异低于两倍。组成分析表明同一地点植物叶能判定相同的来源,主成分分析进一步表明植物叶能区分城市和偏远地区的污染来源。整体趋势与各自大气污染源吻合,表明植物叶能反映不同地理环境大气的污染水平。所有地点多环芳烃的浓度与树叶脂含量没有相关性,而与比叶面积有微弱的正相关。通过大量植物的研究,任何一种植物叶均能作为被动采样器检测当地大气污染水平。

【文章页数】:42 页


摘要 Abstract 1 Introduction
1.1 Plant as passive sampler
1.2 Uptake pathways of POPs by plant leaves
1.3 Influence factors of plant leaves on accumulating POPs
1.4 Analysis methods of POPs in plant leaves
1.5 The geographical environment of the Changbai Mountain
1.6 Purposes 2 Material and method
2.1 Materials and standards
2.2 Study area and sample collection
2.3 Extraction and purification
2.4 Characterization of the tree leaves
2.5 Instrumental analysis
2.6 Quality assurance and quality control
2.7 Principal Components Analysis 3 Results and discussion
3.1 PAHs concentration level in plant leaves
    3.1.1 Intersite variability
    3.1.2 Interspecific variability
3.2 Identification ability for pollution source
    3.2.1 Composition profiles of individual PAHs in tree leaves
    3.2.2 Principal Components Analysis interpretation
3.3 Effect of leaf paramaters on enrichment 4 Conclusions 参考文献 致谢 附录A




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