发布时间:2016-03-18 12:50
Executive Summary执行概要
This paper researches the effects of Social Capital on the internationalization attempts of small and medium sized enterprises and focuses on how the existence and manifestations of such capital can affect the barriers to these attempts and processes. The cases in the study were selected across both advanced (US) and emerging (China) economic contexts forming the exploratory aspect into the differences between these regions.
The research used a qualitative approach and used a multiple case study methodology, selecting 4 SME’s as cases along with a range of supporting institutions to triangulate the findings, these included government departments and non-profit agencies such as Chambers of Commerce. Interviews formed the core basis of data collection along with supporting secondary data fromm the support institutions. Answering the research questions from these qualitative findings formed propositions for further research.
The core findings of the study centered on the notions that formed the propositions, firstly that specific dimensions of Social Capital were more effective in reducing specific barriers to internationalization than simply higher overall stock (comparatively). Other core findings were that SME’s were more likely to engage with supporting institutions in their internationalization attempts, if they were in an emerging context. Lastly the process in which the firms internationalized was linked to the perceived level of Social Capital presence as that in turn actively effected the effectual way in which these firms operated.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.………………………………………………………………....….5
2. Literature Review
2.1 Social Capital: A deconstruction ……………………………………….8
2.2 SME Internationalization: The ‘Stages’ challenged……………………11
2.3 Barriers to Internationalization; economic context…………………….13
2.4 Cultural Context: Clusters & Ecosystems……………………………...16
2.5 IE Convergence: Multi-disciplinarily overlaps………………………...20
3. Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Research Objectives and question……………………………….……..21
3.2 Research philosophies…………..…………………………….………..21
3.3 Case study research design……………………………………………..23
3.4 Case selection…………………………………………………………..24
3.5 Case Collection………………………………………………………....25
3.6 Data Analysis & Introduction of SCIM tool……………………….…..28
3.7 Case Profiles……………………………………………………………33
3.8 Supporting Interviews………………………………………………….36
4.1Social Capital…………………………………………………………..38
4.2 SME Internationalization……………………………………………..44
4.3Barriers to Internationalization……………………………………...47
4.4Cultural Context……………………………………………………….49
4.5 IE Convergence………………………………………………………..50
4.6Supporting Interviews…………………………………………….......51
4.7Summary Table………………………………………………………..53
5.1 Findings…………………………………….………………………….54
5.4Managerial Implications………………...……………………………72
5.5Future Research………………………...……………………………..75
6. Conclusion
6.1wider propositions to SME Internationalization&Social Capital….77
1.0 Introduction
Internationalization of firms is a growing body of academic knowledge and its inherent links with microeconomics and wider macro influencers (Technology, Globalization and Digitalization) have given it a progression that has taken on widely varying paradigms. The early research (Erikson et al, 1997) suggested that internationalization was structured, linear and a somewhat staged process. Oviatt and McDougall however pioneered the widening archetypes of this process but extending its realms; ‘Early’ Internationalization and start up firms showed that qualitative research on niche aspects, highlight the sheer complexity of this subject and the infancy of our knowledge and on the appropriability of our theorems and models in explaining some phenomena.(Oviatt and McDougall, 1994)). When comparing this alone (anecdotally), to the case study research and success stories of many firms, large and small, it is clear that niche research and theory building is needed from wide perspectives to build more sophisticate