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Chapter One Introduction 

1.1 Study Background 
Conversational Implicature, called CI for short, is the second important theory in Pragmatics,  which  put  forward  by  another  Oxford  philosopher  Herbert  Paul  Grice(1967)during the speech “Logic and Conversation” at Harvard University in 1967. According  to  Grice,  people’s  talk  is  not  made  up  of  a  bunch  of  incoherent  words under normal circumstances. People’s conversations are able to go smoothly, because both  sides  follow  the  certain  purposes,  and  act  in  harmony  with  each  other.  He considers  that  people  must  comply  with  some  certain  principles  when communicating.This principle is called the Cooperative Principle, abbreviated as CP. It  consists  of  four  maxims:quality  maxim,  quantity  maxim,  relevance  maxim  and manner maxim (Grice, 1976) In communication, people’s dialogue often because for some reasons and context factors  violated  certain  sessions  principles  of  cooperation,  not  straightforward  to express  their  views,  in  violation  of  the  principles  of  this  cooperation,  resulting  in implication.  Conversational  Implicature  refers  to  the  implicit  implication  to  the content or expression in the specific context, that is, the pragmatic meaning of words. The violation of the Cooperative Principle does not necessarily lead to communication obstacles, on the contrary, the deliberate violation of the Cooperative Principle, tend to  produce  special  session  meaning  and  pragmatic  meaning,  it  helps  to  smooth  the session and convey the information effectively. 

1.2 Purpose of the Study 
In  recent  years,  American  TV  drama  is  becoming  more  and  more  familiar  in Chinese audiences. Although these TV dramas based on the real life in America, they are full of imagination and creativity, making the plots up and down. To study these TV series from the perspective of pragmatics, contribute to the analysis of linguistic features  of  daily  life  scenes  of  dialogue,  and  to  gain  further  deep  knowledge  and understanding  of  the  dramas  and  character  analysis;  learn  how  to  express characteristics through language.This  paper  adopts  the  research  method  of  the  combination  of  description  and explanation. By using the Qualitative research, analyzing the violation of each maxim of the Cooperative Principle in real conversation, and summed up the characteristics of  the  drama  dialogue  language.  Then  analyze  how  Conversational  Implicature  is deduced through violating maxims of Cooperative Principle. 

Chapter Two Literature Review 

2.1Previous Studies of Cooperative Principle 
Grice’s  (1967)  theory  of  Conversational  Implicature  completed  the  transition from  meaning  to  implication,  achieved  a  breakthrough  in  pragmatics  studies.  It  has won  widespread  recognition  and  high  praise  of  linguistic,  and  studied  earnestly  by great many people in the linguistic circle. With the research gradually deepening, the shortcomings  also  become  more  obvious.  Aiming  at  the  shortage  of  the  academic circles,  there  are  mainly  three  remedying  the  error  approaches.  First,  confirm Conversational  Implicature,  especially  for  its  quantity  maxim  and  do  the  more specific analysis of it. For example, Laurence Horn (1984) and Gerald Gazdar (1979) have been successful in quantity maxim. Levinson (1983) inherited and developed the theory predecessors made gratifying achievements. Second, complete other principles on  the  basis  ofsupplementary  principles.  Undoubtedly,  Leech  (1983)  is  a  typical representative  of  this  approach.  On  the  basis  of  CP,  he  created  another  parallel principle—Politeness Principle. The last one is completely abandon the “Cooperative Principle”  and  created  other  principles.  Dan  Sperber  and  Deirdre  Wilson’s  (1986) Relevance is this idea. Research on CP abroad can summarize from theory exploration and application research two aspects. There are two different of Cooperative Principle of  new  exploration;  one  faction  is  to  maintain  the  views,  such  as  the  Saul (2002),Davis  (1998),  and  Lumsden  (2008).  The  other  faction  hold  the  view questioned,  such  asKeysar  (1995),Ladegaard  (2008)  andKecskes(2014).  Although Kecskes  (2014)  questioned,  he  also  made  some  supplementary  at  the  same  time. Davies  (2007)  indicates  in  the  article  Grice’s  Cooperative  Principle:  Meaning  and Rationalitythat part of the reason of misunderstanding of “cooperation” is the theory comes  from  philosophy  and  applied  linguistics.  In  order  to  understand  on  behalf  of Grice’s point of view of “cooperation”, it is necessary to overall him about the articles of Cooperative Principle and the implicature. After studied his book carefully we can see  that  the  concept  of  “cooperation”  from  his  own  thoughts,  namely  sentence meaning  and  speaker's  meaning  is  different,  the  language  is  regular  and  human behavior is rational.

2.2 Previous Studies of Conversational Implicature 
It  has  been  40  years  since  H.  P.  Grice  (1967)  proposed  the  theory  of Conversational Implicature in the United States in a speech (William James Lecture) at the Harvard University, in 1967. During these years, the theory of Conversational Implicature  has  gone  through  three  stages,  establishment-Reconstruction-refactor  ; from  the  development  of  Classic-Gricean  Theory  of  Conversational  Implicature  for the  Neo-Gricean  Theory  of  Conversational  Implicature  has  become  a  widely explanatory  theory  of  pragmatics.  Research  on  the  theory  of  Conversational Implicature  for  establishment  of  pragmatics  in  linguistic  research  status  and  made  a very important contribution to the development of the theory of Linguistics. Classic-Gricean  Theory  of  Conversational  Implicature  mainly  refers  to  part  of the  content  of  speech  “Logic  and  Conversation”,  which  given  by  H.P.  Grice  at Harvard  University,  and  collected  in  the  proceedings  named  Syntax  and  Sematics (1975), which co-edited by P.Cole and J.Morgan. At the end of the 1950s, the British philosopher  Austin  (1962)  started  to  overthrow  the  true  value  of  the  condition  is considered  the  center  point  of  language  comprehension.  Levinson  (1983)  proposed speech  act  theory,  it  put  people’s  words  into  constative  and  performative.  Austin (1962) divided this speech act into locutionary act illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.  He  believed  that  the  successful  implementation  of  an  act  of  speech  must  meet three  conditions.  First,  the  speaker  must  have  the  conditions  to  implement  an  act. Second, the speaker must have the sincerity for his own behavior. Third, the speaker cannot  go  back  on  his  own  words.  These  three  conditions  are  referred  to  as  felicity condition. 

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ....... 12
3.1 Cooperative Principle ........ 12 
3.1.1 The Maxims of Cooperative Principle ......... 12 
3.2 Violation of the Maxims of CP ........ 14 
3.2.1 Violation of the Maxim of Quantity ........ 17 
3.2.2 Violation of the Maxim of Quality .......... 17 
3.2.3 Violation of the Maxim of Relation ........ 18 
3.2.4 Violation of the Maxim of Manner ......... 18 
3.3 Conversational Implicature ......... 19 
3.3.1 The Premise of Conversational Implicature Generated ........ 19 
3.3.2 Inferring of Conversational Implicature ...... 20 
3.3.3 The Characteristics of Conversational Implicature .......... 21 
Chapter Four Data Analysis ......... 22 
4.1 Brief Introduction to the Plot and Main Characters of House of Cards ( I ) .... 22 
4.2 Conversational Implicature Generated by Violating the Maxim Quantity. ...... 24
4.3 Conversational Implicature Generated by Violating the Maxim of Quality. .... 30 
4.4 Conversational Implicature Generated by Violating the Maxim of Relation ... 34
4.5 Conversational Implicature Generated by Violating the Maxim of Manner .... 38
Chapter Five Conclusion ......... 42 
5.1 Major Findings of the Study ....... 42 
5.2 Limitations and Further Suggestions of the Research ........ 43 

Chapter Four Data Analysis 

4.1 Brief Introduction to the Plot and Main Characters of House of Cards ( I ) 
House  of  Cards(I)  is  a  political  American  TV  series  according  to  Michael Dobbs’s  novel  which  produced  by  Beau  Willimon,  directed  by  David  Fincher.  The first  season  put  forward  in  February  1,  2013  in  streaming  media  service  provider Netflix  premiere.  The  first  season  received  positive  reviews  from  critics  and  has always  maintained  top  ratings  and  won  many  influential  awards  like  Television Critics  Association  Awards,  Satellite  Awards,Peabody  Award,  and  Writers  Guild  of America Award, ect. House  in  House  of  Cards    refers  to  the  Congress  and  the  whole  American politics.  The  original  meaning  of  Cards  is  the  card  game,  and  here  referring  to  the politicians  of  the  wrist  as  “kings  disputes  and  power  game”  in  the  drama.  House  of cards is also an English language collocation; it means a house made up of cards. In the drama, it can be understood as the “builder” being wily and clever. It also refers to the loose and fragile power, which is vulnerable. The setting of this drama is in present-day Washington D.C. . It is a story mainly about Frank Underwood, who is a Democrat from South Carolina’s 5th congressional district  and  House  majority  whip.  He  helped  Garrett  Walker  won  the  election  to become the 45th US president, while Walker would return for the promise to appoint him  as  secretary  of  state.  However,  before  Walker’s  inauguration,  the  chief  of  staff Linda Vasquez has told Underwood the president wanted to keep him in pushing the bill through Congress, which would not nominate him as secretary of state. After his hope of being the Secretary of State was shattered, he decided torevenge against those whobetrayedhim.  His  wife,  Claire  Underwood,  is  often  involved  in  her  husband’s political action. 


In the thesis, the author analyzes a typical part of dialogues from House of Cards (  I  )  according  to  the  western  theory  of  pragmatics,  that  is,  Grice’s  Conversational Cooperative  Principle.  The  dialogues  between  characters  contain  rich  complex emotional  connotation,  and  many  dialogues  contain  rich  subtext,  namely  the implication.  Grice’s  Conversational  Implicature  theory  is  a  very  important  theory  in pragmatics.  Some  scholars  think  the  Conversational  Implicature  theory  is  the  core content  of  pragmatics.  It  not  only  puts  forward  the  “literal  meaning”  and “Conversational  Implicature”  in  character  communication  discourses,  but  also explains how people’s daily communications is successful.   As  Suo  Zhenyu  (2000)  mentioned  in  his  book  A  Course  of  Pragmatics  that Grice’s theory of non-natural meaning is a kind of theory of communication in fact. As a kind of communication theory, Grice captured an important aspect in the verbal communication  behavior,  namely,  the  communication  process  and  communicative intention are always inseparable. In fact, as any communication process involves the communicative  intention,  any  successful  communication  depends  on  the  hearer’s accurate understanding of the communicative intention of the speaker. We can know the dialogues violate the Cooperative Principle and the Conversational Implicature is generated; but we do not know what kind of Conversational Implicature is.  
The reference (omitted)




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