With the extension of global business value chain , higher globalization drives the market competition environment more and more complex and unpredictable, financial management objectives has been developed from the maximum profit to maximize the value of enterprises. It has been particularly critical that enterprises should adapt to the new goal of maintaining and enhancing its competitive advantage order to achieve the maximization of enterprise value. Meanwhile, traditional financial management is found hard to provide the assistance required for decision-makers and observe the solution through the current financial analysis module because of feedback delay and unable to fully control.
Michael Potter's value chain theory is different from the traditional financial management, started a new idea of enterprise management. Under the value chain management thought, enterprise financial management becomes a powerful weapon to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises based on the positive response of the market competition, embodies the future development direction of financial management. Based on the value chain theory as the guide for effective financial management financial management goal oriented problem solving, can be from the value chain perspective trade-offs for each part of the gains and losses, advance and retreat of each link, each node benefit. From this point of view, the value chain theory provides an effective tool for analysis and decision making for financial management, promote the enterprises to improve the core competitiveness, to obtain the biggest profit, promote the sustainable development of enterprises.
This article conducts the research to the financial management status of S company, a modern foreign capital service enterprise, analyzes some problems in financial management such as funds allocation to its existence under the value chain theory and the communication between departments, through the module of PEST value chain analysis method, based on the current status,starting from the internal and external environment, to observe the problems, analyze the reasons, perform the research, analysis, judgment and reorganization through the horizontal and vertical financial value chain analysis find the weakness to correct, implement the company’s strategies, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprise. Finally, this paper will combine the theory of value chain by the existing financial management method, considering the concrete problem put forward concrete improvement scheme combining the value chain strategy.
The structure of this paper mainly includes six parts: (1) introduced the background of this study, explains the meaning of financial management of value chain chain mode; (2) outlines the theory and development of value chain and financial management, and combine them as the value chain of financial management; (3) introduce the present situation of S company and the present situation of existingproblems in financial management; (4) based on the value chain as a starting point, further analysis on the financial management of the cause of the problem, and perform financial analysis through PEST and the horizontal and vertical value chain; (5) base on the foundation of enterprise value chain theory, propose the improvement scheme of financial management of S company, including the establishment of a financial management system, model construction to management implementation; (6) a summary of the whole thesis.
致谢 I摘要 II
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2研究方法和研究思路 3
1.2.1研究方法 3
1.2.2研究思路 4
1.3研究内容和预期目标 4
1.3.1研究内容 4
1.3.2预期目标 5
1.4文献综述 6
1.4.1财务管理相关研究综述 6
1.4.2基于价值链理论下的企业财务管理研究综述 8
第2章 理论基础 10
2.1 价值链理论 10
2.1.1 价值链理论体系 10
2.1.2 价值链理论发展 10
2.2 企业财务管理理论 12
2.2.1 传统财务管理理论 12
2.2.2 财务管理的演变 13
2.3 基于价值链的财务管理理论 15
2.3.1 基于价值链的财务管理必要性 15
2.3.2 基于价值链的财务管理体系 15
2.3.3 基于价值链的财务管理模式 15
2.3.4 基于价值链的财务管理分析 17
2.3.5 基于价值链的财务管理趋势 18
2.4 本章小结 18
第3章 S公司财务管理现状及存在问题 19
3.1 S公司概况及经营状况 19
3.2S公司财务管理现状 23
3.2.1 营运资金分配现状 23
3.2.2融资现状 23
3.2.3财务预算管理现状 24
3.2.4财务管理人员配置及基础工作现状 24
3.2.5财务管理信息化现状 25
3.2.6绩效现状 26
第4章 S公司价值链理论下财务管理问题原因分析 27
4.1 外部环境原因-PEST 27
4.1.1 政策法规方面 27
4.1.2 行业经济方面 27
4.1.3 社会文化因素 28
4.1.4 技术因素 29
4.2 内部环境原因 29
4.2.1 竞争优势 29
4.2.2 竞争劣势 30
4.3 企业内部价值链财务分析 30
4.3.1 战略价值链业务活动 30
4.3.2 非战略价值链业务活动 32
4.4 企业纵向价值链财务分析 33
4.4.1 产业价值链介绍 33
4.4.2 产业价值链分析 33
4.5 企业横向价值链财务分析 34
4.5.1 竞争者信息收集与比对 34
4.5.2 竞争者发展战略方向 34
4.5.3 S公司应对战略 35
第5章 S公司财务管理问题改善方案 36
5.1建立有效财务管理体系 36
5.1.1 成本归集核算 36
5.1.2 融资投资渠道 37
5.1.3 内部分配比例调整 37
5.2价值链财务管理模式构建 39
5.2.1 财务预算编制 39
5.2.2 财务决策分析 40
5.2.3 财务控制管理 40
5.2.4 业绩评估反馈 42
5.3 价值链财务管理实施 44
5.3.1 价值链管理理论及工具 44
5.3.2 企业价值链各方的协作 44
5.3.3 信息技术手段 45
5.3.4 ERP 系统 46
第6章 结论与建议 47
6.1 结论 47
6.2 建议 47
第6章 结论与建议
6.2 建议
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