发布时间:2016-04-20 11:40
The purpose of the research is to examine the different performance and advantages of each different kinds of Micro Finance Institution (MFI) under different circumstance such as its structure, operations and the target markets, etc. we are supposed to find the important factors which put important roles on performance of MFI by the empirical methods and compare the precise of the methods. By doing this, we may recommend the authorities to invest on the most suitable MFI to achieve its economic or social goal.
The paper is supposed to be included the main 4 parts as the below:
First, from the literature review the research could find the newest and frontier research results about the MFIs, so the variables, the method and the hypothesis could be extracted from the overview in the study.
Second, the model analysis should be concerned. The performance of MFIs could be test or observed according to the simplest method, if the data and variables are simple but clear to the questions.
Third, the result of the empirical analysis is referred to. The economical meaning and the hypothesis test are discussed about the MFIs’ performance in the study. And the comparison about the difference methods also should be concerned in this part to find the factors which effecting the performance of MFIs in statistic significant.
Last, the purpose and the suggestions are made in the conclusion, then the simply review about the research are referred also.
From the study in the following, the result is different from some reference the paper refers to. The first different is the female borrower is not so related to the performance of the MFIs when the ROA and Yield as the performance index; The second one is the lending methodology we focus on the group, rural and female lending, but we found the female might be the most reliable in terms of portfolio risk and other lending method might not correlated to the risk or performance according to the coefficient result according to the empirical analysis. In other word, the MFIs should take the action and make policy to encourage or enhance the female lending to decrease risk and whether the rural or group lending terms are carried out or not is determined the market survey at the place in question. Meanwhile, the empirical result told that the institutions’ operation condition such as the size and the governance might be the effect factor to the performance in terms of portfolio risk and the economic environment such the GDP growth and the inflation also take a role on the performance of MFIs.
1 Introduction 介绍
Microfinance, is a form of financial multi level development, and Adam Smith said the rate of economic growth and capital accumulation rate is proportional to increase. The group institutes’ developments need the support of capital, and the poor and women also need financial support. With the development of economy, private capital accumulation is increasing. Meanwhile, folk lending is relatively frequent, emerging the related social problems. How to make good use of the folk capital as financial development is not balanced gap is a new topic. In general microfinance institutions differ from one another in terms of the lending methodologies. These microfinance institutions can be divided up to several groups according to the methodologies such as institutions targeting women, institutions providing group loans, institutions serving rural areas, institutions providing individual loans only etc. Methodologies, which this paper focuses on, are group lending, targeting women borrowers and lending to rural borrowers (where social bound is expected to be stronger due to borrowers’ interdependency). However, it is useful to note that only microfinance institutions are involved in this research, thus only relative effectiveness of such methodologies is to be studied.
Table of Contents
Abstract 4
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Background 5
1.2 Motive 5
1.3 The Purpose of the Study 5
1.4 Hypothesis 6
2 The Literature Overview 7
2.1 The Market Structure of MFIs 7
2.1.1 The related definition 7
2.1.2 The development of the Microfinance 7
2.2 The Performance management of MFIs 9
2.2.1 The performance evaluation method 9
2.2.2 The performance management evaluation system 10
2.3 Other Factors put important role on MFI 11
3 The Methodology and Estimation 12
3.1 Data 12
3.2 Variables 12
3.3 Method 13
3.4 Description 14
3.5 Estimation on MFI's Performance 16
3.5.1 Estimation of the Pooled LS Model 16
3.5.2 The comparison on three Models 19
4. Discussion of Results 20
4.1 The Hypothesis test 20
4.2 The performance comparison analysis on the different MFIs 21
4.3 The factors or advantages statistics analysis of the MFIs’ Performance 22
5 Conclusions: Commercial or Social Suggestion 22
Bibliograghy 22
Appendix 24
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Stata DO1
summarize Returnonassets Portfolioatriskgt30days Yieldongrossportfolioreal Percentoffemaleborrowers Numberofloansoutstanding growth inflation
Stata DO2
summarize Returnonassets Yieldongrossportfolioreal Portfolioatriskgt30days Percentoffemaleborrowers Numberofloansoutstanding Percentoffinancedmicroenterpr growth inflation
Stata DO3
regress Portfolioatriskgt30days Percentoffemaleborrowers Percentoffinancedmicroenterpr Lowend NGO NBFI Bank CU Numberofloansoutstanding Averageloanbalanceperborrowe growth inflation
regress Returnonassets Percentoffemaleborrowers Percentoffinancedmicroenterpr Lowend NGO NBFI Bank CU Numberofloansoutstanding Averageloanbalanceperborrowe growth inflation
regress Yieldongrossportfolionomina Percentoffemaleborrowers Percentoffinancedmicroenterpr Lowend NGO NBFI Bank CU Numberofloansoutstanding Averageloanbalanceperborrowe growth inflation