浅析外资便利店的本土化研究——以全家为例On foreign convenience store China local
论文题目:浅析外资便利店的本土化研究——以全家为例On foreign convenience store China localization strategy- A Family Mart convenience store,for example
浅析外资便利店的本土化研究——以全家为例On foreign convenience store China localization strategy- A Family Mart convenience store,for example
摘 要
The convenience store is a widely distributed in communities, and other residents gathered in the area, for the convenience to people's daily shopping store business model. Chain of convenience stores as a new type of format came into being, it's convenient caters to the social demand and people's way of life, but also provide practical help to people's life and shopping. Through describes the definition of foreign chain of convenience stores, and, based on comparative analysis and supermarkets and other commercial aggregate found the basic operation mode of the convenience store and a related advantage, and then get the necessity of its development and chain management mode. Combining foreign convenience stores in the Chinese market marketing present situation, and the family (family) chain of convenience stores basic marketing ideas, the system summarizes the convenience store at the entrance to the construction of localization in the process of chain management in our country. Through the analysis, it is found that the convenience store in the specific business process still exist in its development limitations, scale of investment and profit pattern does not conform to, product update limitations, and local convenience store competitiveness problems and lack of own brand building and other issues. On this basis, combining the related theoretical knowledge, this paper argues that can optimize the localization system from market segmentation, reduce investment criteria, accelerate the upgrading of products, to seek business cooperation and create their own brand names and so on. Hope that through this study can provide necessary theoretical basis and practical guidance for the future development of convenience stores and similar foreign enterprises of the localization operator.
Key words :convenience stores; logistics distribution; the diversity of services
目 录
前言 3
一、便利店的概述 3
(一)便利店的定义 3
二、便利店的概述 3
(一)便利店的定义 3
(二)便利店的特征—基于超市的对比 4
1.距离的便利性 4
2.购物的便利性 4
3.时间的便利性 4
4.服务的便利性 4
(三)便利店连锁的必要性 4
三、外资便利店中国市场现状 6
(一)外资便利店的发展背景 6
(二)外资便利店在中国的发展现状 6
四、全家便利店中国本土化现状 7
(一)消费者定位现状 7
(二)商品及服务现状 7
(三)消费模式体系建设现状 7
(四)特色经营现状 8
(五)注意培养自身特色与创新 8
(六)电子商务现状 8
五、全家便利店本土化体系存在的问题分析 9
(一)外资便利店自身的发展局限 9
(二)投资规模与盈利模式存在较大差异 9
(三)全家便利店商品更新存在局限 9
(四)与本土超市及便利店的竞争中存在劣势 10
(五)缺乏自身的品牌建设 10
六、全家便利店中国本土化优化分析 11
(一)细分市场,降低发展局限 11
(二)降低投资标准,提高经营者利润空间 11
(三)加快商品更新,符合消费习惯 11
(四)寻求本土合作,提高竞争优势 12
(五)保持自身元素,构建品牌效应 12
总 结 14
参考文献 2
总 结
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