Chapter One Introduction
At present the vocational students’ English learning situation is due to the problem ofvocabulary learning. The traditional teaching methods can not improve students masteringthe English skills. Different from the high school students, the vocational school studentsneed to master more skills to help them to put into the work in the future. Because most ofthem are come from a poor town, they want to find a good job through learning usefulknowledge and skills in the vocational school but English is not the major course in it. Soit’s necessary to help the vocational school students to improve their interest in Englishlearning.For the vocational students, their vocabulary learning has in a passive acceptance ofthe state for a long time. Vocabulary teaching has suppressed the students' explorationdesire and the passion of learning, and has hurt the students' learning vocabulary. Theenthusiasm, therefore, has gradually lost interest in vocabulary learning. Students'homework is usually to copy and recite vocabulary word or finish exercise in books. Thestudents suffer from mechanical memorizing words, but do not know how to remember it.Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable way to improve students’ English vocabularylevel. At the same time, through the corresponding teaching research, teachers can also getthe teaching experience to improve their teaching level
Chapter two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Task-based Language Teaching is the teaching of the teacher to complete the taskin the classroom. This is the rise of the 80's in twentieth Century, an emphasis on"learning by doing" language teaching method which is widely used in the practice oflinguists and foreign language teaching practitioners that has aroused people's attention.Task-based Language teaching began to develop in 2001and was widely accepted by manylinguists and language teachers after that. It was based on many linguistic theories, but themain theoretical basis is second language acquisition theory and social constructivisttheory. In 2005, Jane Willis and Dave Willis gave the definition of “task” in TBLT. In2006, Rod Ellis introduced how to design lessons in TBLT classroom and gave someprinciples to do that. In 2007, Jane Willis introduced the way to prepare and develop a taskin language teaching classes and some solutions to solve the problems that may occur inlanguage teaching classes.2.2 Definition of task
Vocabulary is one of the three elements of language, and it is the basis of all languageactivities. Vocabulary teaching plays an important role in the whole language teaching.Since 1990s, with the development of communicative language teaching method,vocabulary teaching has received much attention.Willis (1996:23) gives the definition of task that “…tasks are always activities wherethe target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order toachieve an outcome....Tasks remove the teacher domination, and learners get chances toopen and close conversations, to interact naturally, to interrupt and challenge, to askpeople to do things and to check that they have been done. ”Lewis puts forward the vocabulary of English teaching, the teaching of vocabulary inthe center of language teaching (quoted from Cui Gang Kong Xiansui, 2009:141)Vocabulary teaching has always been the focus of English language teaching, and theyhave a lot of research on vocabulary teaching from the perspective of linguistics theory tothe specific vocabulary teaching method. But all the time, English vocabulary teaching andlearning are integrated into every aspect of teaching activities, vocabulary teaching methoddid not single and fixed mode. Long is one of the scholars in the earlier research on Task-based language teaching.In his definition, task is meant that people do a variety of things in life, work andentertainment. (Long,,1985:89)。Richards give the definition of tasks: A task is an activity or action that is done on thebasis of processing or understanding the language. There are many examples in our dailylife, such as drawing a map on the side of the instruction or operating the instruction. Thetask is usually to ask the teacher to know the logo of the successful completion of the task.(Richards ET al.,1985:289) 。Nunan is one of the scholars who studied the theory and practice of task basedlanguage teaching. He defined the tasks is: “ task is a kind of classroom work, it includesmanipulating, producing interacting or comprehending, in the target language while theirattention is focused on meaning rather than on form." Nunan (1989)。Nunan have two special points in the definition of tasks: (1) The task is to learn in theclassroom; (2) learners’ attention is mainly focused on the expression of meaning in theprocess of completing the task, rather than in the form of language training,Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation .......... 17
3.1 Theoretical basis of Task‐Based Language teaching ......... 17
3.2 Theoretical basis of English Vocabulary Teaching .......... 20
3.3 Summary of this chapter ................ 21
Chapter Four Research Methodology ................... 22
4.1 Purposes of the research ............. 22
4.2 Features of English vocabulary teaching in vocational school ............................... 22
4.3 Hypothesis .............. 22
4.4 Subjects .................... 23
4.5 Materials ............. 23
4.6 Instruments ............. 24
Chapter Five Data Collection and Analysis ................... 32
5.1 Data Collection and analysis of the two tests ............. 32
5.2 Data collection and analysis of the questionnaire ................ 34
Chapter Five Data Collection and Analysis
5.1 Data Collection and analysis of the two tests
From the information of the pre-test, the average score of the two classes is 32 and32.03, the difference of mean is 0.03. Comparing the two classes of the highest score is thesame as the 46; the difference between the two classes is only one point. The standarddeviation of the two classes is 7.655 and 7.002.These values are not negligible. It can befound from the table that before the teacher started the experiment, so the experimentalclass is in the same English level as the control class.From table 2 of the distribution of the pre-test score, we can find out the results of thestudents' score distribution. In the experimental class, there are two 2 students got scoresunder 20, 26 students got the score between 21-40 and 5 students got score between 40-50;In the control class, there are two 3 students got scores under 20, 24 students got scorebetween 21-40, 5 students got score between 40-50.From the data we can see that therewas no significant difference between the two classes. So the result was shown that the twoclasses are almost in the same vocabulary level before the experiment.
5.2 Data collection and analysis of the questionnaire
From the table 8 and table 9, we can discover that most of the students have thedifficulty in English vocabulary learning. About 66% and 76% of the students in the twoclasses have no law or wrong method in English vocabulary learning, 15% and 9% of thestudents in the two classes are confused in it and about 18% and 16% of the students arefast forgetting in the English vocabulary learning. From this we can find out that it’s stilldifficult to let the students to master English vocabulary learning methods in a short periodof time and the teacher should have sufficient patience to let the students to master thecorrect method of learning and it’s to provide confidence to the students at the same time.The last question is about the necessity of task-based vocabulary learning in class,according to the data of table 9, about 84% students in the experimental class believe it isvery necessary or necessary to implement task-based vocabulary learning in class, about72% students in the control class believe it in these two choices. It is obvious that thenumber of students in the experimental class is more than that of the control class about thechoice of this question. But 15% and 30% of the students in the two classes think it isunnecessary or least unnecessary to implement task-based vocabulary learning in class.From the data we can discover that it is necessary to implement task-based languagelearning in the class and we have seen results in the experimental class. For the students inthe control class that they also hope that teachers can teach them some good ways ofvocabulary learning.From the data and finding of this research above, we can find that it is very important toimplement the Task-Based language learning in English class, the students can learnEnglish vocabulary by some effective ways and some tasks in the class. It also improvesthe students' interest of English learning greatly and gives them the confidence through thislearning method..........
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
As we know that the vocational school students are a special group, the purpose oftheir learning is mainly to master some special knowledge and skills so they do not need tolearn English for the examination. From the previous data and questionnaire that we canfind out the Task-Based language teaching is just suitable for the characteristics ofvocational school students.It’s sufficient to master a certain amount of vocabulary and grasp the basic listening,speaking, reading and writing of English that can adapt their requirements of future work. In the English class, Task-based language teaching can promote the students’ abilityby some tasks and group games and let students have more opportunities to manger theirEnglish vocabulary learning. This is different from the traditional teaching methods; thestudents will not feel boring and will be more positive commitment to this learning mode.In this particular context and teaching environment, it can improve the students' learninginterest and confidence so as to realize autonomous learning.6.2 Implications of the study
1. Pay more attention to the students' learning psychology and cannot let the studentslose confidence of learning and to eliminate the fear of learning English. These arebeneficial to cultivating students' good personality. In the process of completing the task,its needs each student to participate in common cooperation actively that it’s not only theexercise of the language ability for students, but also the opportunity and method toenhance its self-confidence and cultivate good character. eachers must be the learners,researchers and innovators in teaching. Teachers is a learner and researcher in preparingfor the lesson, the author in the study of module vocabulary teaching, based on the contactsituation, the isolated words into a situational memory module. This is not only for thestudents to remember, but also for the students to present a vocabulary learning strategy, soas to guide the students' vocabulary learning. Being an innovator, teachers mainly refers tothe use of the words of the psychological structure (auditory, visual, association) forteaching design, the use of multimedia technology will be boring vocabulary from thevisual presentation to students. In the classroom, use the students' sense of the wordassociation memory and memory, so as to improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching.2. Task-based language teaching is benefit for students to become the main body oflearning and it’s should to increase the students' subjectivity for improve their learningconsciousness. This kind of emotional factor plays a very important role in the Englishlearning process. Students are the main body of classroom activities; they are very keen oninteractive classroom teaching mode. In the task based teaching mode, with the task as themain line, the task has the reality of the real life; the students are interested in, and willingto become the master of learning. In the process of completing the task, students learn tocooperate and to achieve mutual promotion.........