1) 氮化硅基高温陶瓷复合材料的强韧化技术及其工业应用
2) 碳化硅基复合材料及其新型合成技术
3) 陶瓷材料电磁波吸收材料、透波材料及其应用技术
4) 大型高温电极材料及其制备技术
5) 氢气能源材料的制备技术用新材料的设计
6) 多孔陶瓷材料及其在分离过滤上的应用
7) 陶瓷晶须的生长及其结晶化学基础研究
8) 纤维增强陶瓷材料的成形与烧结技术
9) 无机智能材料的设计
2010年度国务院侨办颁发的第三届 “中国侨界贡献奖”的 “创新人才”奖
1. Li J F, Lin H, Li J B. Factors that influence the flexural strength of SiC-based porous ceramics used for hot gas filter support. Journal of the european ceramic society, 2011,31(5):825-831.
2. Wu J, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Corrosion Behavior of AlNbO4/Mullite Composite as Environmental Barrier Coating in Water Vapor Environment. Journal of inorganic materials, 2010,25(4):445-448.
3. Wu J, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun Mullite Nanofibers. Advanced engineering materials, 2010,12(1-2):71-74.
4. Li J F, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Influence of lanthanum additive on phase transition, microstructure and lithium ionic conductivity of beta-eucryptite. Materials letters, 2010,64(3):298-300.
5. Wu J, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Fabrication and characterization of electrospun mullite nanofibers. Materials letters, 2009,63(27):2309-2312.
6. Wu J, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Effect of Precursor pH on One-dimensional Growth of Mullite Prepared by Sol-Gel Method with WO3 Catalyst. Journal of inorganic materials, 2009,24(5):1077-1080.
7. Li J F, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Effects of different potassium salts on the formation of mullite as the only crystal phase in kaolinite. Journal of the european ceramic society, 2009,29(14):2929-2936.
8. Wu J, Li J B, Lin H, et al. Synthesis and Controlled Growth of Mullite Submicron Powders. Rare metal materials and engineering, 2008,37Suppl. 1:576-579.
9. Wu J, Lin H, Li J B, et al. Structural studies of WO3-catalysed mullite. Advanced engineering materials, 2008,10(6):588-591.
10. Liang L, Li J B, Guo G F, et al. Preparation of porous ceramic support for inorganic filtration membrane. Rare metal materials and engineering, 2007,36Suppl. 1:579-582.
11. Guo G F, Li J B, Kong X Y, et al. Direct measurement of residual stresses and their effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-treated Si3N4 ceramics II: With CeO2 as a single additive. Acta materialia, 2007,55(9):3245-3251.
12. Liang L, Li J B, Lin H, et al. Self-catalyzed growth of nonstoichiometric single-crystal mullite nanocolumns. Advanced engineering materials, 2007,9(3):201-203.
13. Liang L, Li J B, Lin H, et al. Self-catalyzed growth of nonstoichiometric mullite nanodiskettes. Materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, 2007,448(1-2):154-157.
14. Liang L, Li J B, Lin H, et al. Difference of mullite whiskers between ytterbia-doped aluminum hydroxide-silica gel and mechanochemical process. Journal of rare earths, 2006,24(Sp. Iss. SI):51-53.
15. He M S, Li J B, Lin H, et al. Fabrication of transparent polycrystalline yttria ceramics by combination of SPS and HIP. Journal of rare earths, 2006,24(Sp. Iss. SI):222-224.
16. Yang J, Li J B, Lin H, et al. A novel preparation method for NiCo2O4 electrodes stacked with hexagonal nanosheets for water electrolysis. Journal of applied electrochemistry, 2006,36(8):945-950.
17. Guo G F, Li J B, Yang X X, et al. Direct measurement of residual stresses and their effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-treated Si3N4 ceramics. Acta materialia, 2006,54(9):2311-2316.
18. Tong X G, Li J B, Yang X Z, et al. Mechanical property and oxidation behavior of self-reinforced Si3N4 doped with Re2O3 (Re = Yb, Lu). Journal of the american ceramic society, 2006,89(5):1730-1732.
19. Yang J, Li J B, Lin H, et al, A novel method for preparing NiCo2O4 electrodes stacked with hexagonal nanosheets for water electrolysis, UK220/05, J. Appl. Electrochem. 36 (8): 945-950 AUG 2006
20. Chi B, Li JB, Yang XZ, et al,Electrophoretic Deposition of ZnCo2O4 Spinel and its Electrocatalytic Properties for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Electrochim. Acta, 50 : 2059–2064 2005
21. Chi B, Li JB, Yang XZ, et al,Effect of temperature on preparation and electrocatalytic property of spinel NiCo2O4/Ni electrode, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 29: 605-610 2004
22. Guo G F, Li J B, Liang L, et al. The effects of the single additive on the fabrication of rod-like beta-Si3N4, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005, 34: 249-251.
23. Zhang J X and Liang L. Study on MgAl2O4-doped Al2O3 ceramics, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005, 34: 348-351.
24. Han YS, Li JB, Ning XS, et al, Effect of preparing temperature on the lattice parameter of nickel alumiante spinel, J. AM. CERAM. SOC., 87: 1347-1349 2004
25. Sun GL, Li JB, Sun JJ, Yang XZ. The influences of Zn2+ and some rare earth ions on the magnetic properties of nickel-zinc ferrites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 281(2-3): 173-177, 2004.
26. Dai JH, Li JB. Preparation of the rod-like beta-Si3N4 particles favoring the self-reinforcing Si3N4 ceramics, Materials Research Bulletin, 38(4): 609~615, 2003.
27. Han YS, Li JB, Chen YJ. Fabrication of bimodal porous alumina ceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 38(2): 373-379, 2003.
28. Sun JJ, Li JB, Sun GL. Effects of La2O3 and Gd2O3 on some properties of Ni-Zn ferrite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 250(1-3): 20~24, 2002.
29. Zhang B, Li JB, Sun JJ, Zhang SX, Zhai HZ, Du ZW, Nanometer silicon carbide powder synthesis and its dielectric behavior in the GHz range. Journal of European Ceramics Society, 22 (1): 93-99, JAN 2002.
30. Zhang SX, Li JB, et al. Preparation, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of ZrxTi1-xO4 (x=0.40-0.60) ceramics. Journal of European Ceramics Society, 21 (16): 2931-2936, DEC 2001.
31. Zhai HZ, Li JB, Zhang SX, Chen YJ, Zhang B. Preparation of tetragonal zirconia containing titanium nitride powder by in-situ selective nitridation. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11 (4): 1092-1095, 2001.
32. Chen YJ, Li JB, Wei QM, Zhai HZ. Preparation and growth mechanism of TaCx whiskers. Journal of Crystal Growth, 224 (3-4): 244-250, APR 2001.
33. Wei QM, Li JB, Chen YJ. Cation distribution and infrared properties of NixMn1-xFe2O4 ferrites. Journal of Materials Science, 36 (21): 5115-5118, NOV 2001.
34. Wang HL, Li JB, et al. Self-monitoring of fracture and strain in titanium carbide reinforced silicon nitride ceramics. Journal of Materials Science, 35 (3): 609-612, FEB 2000.
35. Li JB, Kong XY, et al. Improved strength recovery of a titanium carbide silicon nitride composite from thermal shock damage via microwave heating. Journal of American Ceramics Society, 82 (6): 1576-1578, JUN 1999.
36. Liu JF, Li JB, Wang HL, Huang Y. In situ synthesis of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal powder containing dispersed titanium carbide by selective carbonization. Journal of American Ceramics Society, 82 (6): 1611-1613, JUN 1999.
37. Xu GY, Li JB, Huang Y, Xie ZP. Fabrication and morphology of different color NbCx whiskers. Journal of Crystal Growth, 200 (1-2): 143-147, APR 1999.
38. Li JB, Xu GY, Sun EY, Huang Y, Becher PF. Synthesis and morphology of niobium monocarbide whiskers. Journal of American Ceramics Society, 81 (6): 1689-1691, JUN 1998.
39. Li JB, Peng G, Chen SR, Chen ZG, Wu JG. Formation and morphology of 2H-SiC whiskers by the decomposition of Silicon-nitride. Journal of American Ceramics Society, 73 (4): 912-922, APR 1990.
40. 李建保等,跨世纪的智能新材料,《自然辩证法》,,1995年第10期.
41. 李建保等,TiC纤维表面SiC晶体的生长与形貌,《中国电子显微镜学报》,1994年第4期.
42. 李建保、黄勇等,晶须增韧陶瓷基复合材料的设计要点,《硅酸盐学报》,1990年第1期.
43. 李建保等,晶须增韧陶瓷基复合材料及其在切削刀具上的应用,《高技术通讯》,1992年第7期.
44. 李建保、黄勇等,陶瓷材料的原子复合与固溶强化,《材料导报》,1995年第1期.
45. 李建保、黄勇等,智能化无机材料的研究现状与趋势,《材料研究学报》,1995年第9期增刊.
46. 黄向东、李建保等,微波与无机非金属介质的相互作用,《无机材料学报》,1998年第3期.
47. 孔向阳、李建保等,添加炭化铌的氮化硅陶瓷的高温氧化自适应性,《中国科学通报》,1998年第11期.
1. 主编《现代科学知识热点450例》一书,科普出版社1999年出版,获得北京市科普优秀书籍二等奖
2. 参加编辑《智能材料与智能系统》(主编石力开)一书,天津大学2000年出版
3. 参加编辑《现代材料科学与工程辞典》(主编李恒德),山东科技出版社2001年出版
4. 参加编辑《材料工程基础》(主编周美龄、谢建新等) ,北京工业大学出版社2001年出版
5. 主编《国内外新材料技术及其应用》,清华大学出版社2004年出版
6. 参加编辑《纳米材料技术》(英文版)中“纳米复合材料”一章, 清华大学出版社2001年出版
7. 主编《新能源材料》TIC丛书第一集, 清华大学出版社2005年出版
1. 李建保, 李俊峰, 林红. 能提高强度和孔隙连通度的多孔陶瓷过滤管支撑体的制法: 中国专利公开号:CN101913873A.
2. 李建保, 李俊峰, 林红. 高温除尘用多孔陶瓷过滤管支撑体的陶瓷骨料预处理法: 中国专利公开号:CN101913874A.
3. 李建保, 李俊峰, 林红. 粉尘过滤用多孔陶瓷过滤管的双层非对称表面膜及制法: 中国专利公开号:CN101954246A.
4. 李建保, 邓湘云, 李俊峰, 等. 微孔无机分离膜用过滤管支撑体材料及其合成方法: 中国专利公开号:CN101537314.
5. 李建保,郭钢锋,梁龙. 一种原位增韧氮化硅基陶瓷及其超快速烧结方法, 中国专利公开号:1793042.
6. 李建保,郭钢锋,梁龙. 一种高性能热处理氮化硅陶瓷及其制备方法, 中国专利公开号:1793043.
7. 李建保,梁龙,林红,郭钢锋. 一种高韧性氧化铝基陶瓷及其制备方法, 中国专利公开号:1793010.
8. 李建保,梁龙,林红,郭钢锋. 高强度无机分离膜用多孔陶瓷支撑体及其制备方法, 中国专利公开号:1793040.
9. 李建保,孙格靓,黄勇. 一种高效电解槽及其燃水器, 中国专利公开号:ZL1142324.
10. 李建保,梁龙,林红,郭钢锋. 高强度无机分离膜用多孔陶瓷支撑体及其制备方法, 中国专利公开号:1793040.
11. 李建保,杨晓战. 一种自增韧氮化硅陶瓷线材精轧辊材料的制造方法, 中国专利公开号:200510086795.0.
12. 李建保,杨晓战. ,一种自增韧氮化硅陶瓷导卫辊及其制备方法, 中国专利公开号:200510086688.0.
13. 黄勇、李建保等,晶须增韧补强氮化硅陶瓷刀具材料,中国发明专利申请号90110011.1
14. 李建保等. 碳化硅晶须强韧化氮化硅基陶瓷轧辊材料的制造方法. 中国专利,00129948.4,已公开
15. 李建保等 一种电解槽及其燃水器. 发明专利ZL 01 1 44510.6, 授权公告日:2004-3-17
16. 李建保等,一种新型的碳化硅晶须的合成,中国发明专利申请号90110012.1