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chemistry biology

发布时间:2016-10-18 04:22

  本文关键词:Chemistry & Biology,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。

Chemistry & Biology

chemistry biology






影响因子:6.157 生物进化


研究领域:药物 细胞



 Chemistry & Biology publishes papers of exceptional interest in all areas at the interface between chemistry and biology. Such areas include the use of natural and designed molecules as probes of cellular pathways, the application of knowledge about the structure or function of a target molecule to aid in the design of drugs, and the analysis of the nature of molecular recognition in biological systems. Papers on topics such as signaling, catalysis and the control of gene expression are also encouraged, provided that they contribute to an understanding of these processes at a chemical level. The molecular basis of evolution, the biology of highly reactive species, protein folding and the design and exploitation of ex vivo biosynthetic pathways also fall within the scope of the journal.



Aims and Scope

  Chemistry & Biology publishes reports of novel investigations in all areas at the interface of chemistry and biology. Chemistry & Biology strongly encourages submission of articles in which chemical tools are used to provide unique insight into biological function and mechanism. Studies that illustrate the underlying chemistry of biological processes will also be viewed favorably. Other relevant studies of interest to chemists and biologists will also be considered. In general, to be considered suitable for publication in this journal, investigations that primarily have a genetic, computational, or theoretical focus must contain substantiating experimental data. All articles should not only be of significance to the immediate field but should also be of interest to our diverse readership from the broad chemical-biology community.

Editorial Timeline

  All submissions are initially evaluated by the in-house scientific editor. Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication will be returned to the authors, without detailed review, typically within 3-5 days. Otherwise, manuscripts will be sent to one of the Editors, who will select reviewers for timely evaluation. The Editors will make every effort to reach decisions on these papers within 4 weeks of the submission date. If revisions are a condition of publication, we generally allow two months for revisions and consider only one revised version of the paper. Evaluations of conceptual advance and significance are made based on the literature available on the day of the final decision, not the day of submission. Accepted papers will be published within 3 months of acceptance. Any major changes after acceptance are subject to review and may delay publication.

  Transfer of Papers between Cell Press Journals

  Each Cell Press journal is editorially independent. Cell Press has developed a manuscript transfer policy designed to provide maximal flexibility, efficiency and control for the authors. If a paper is reviewed and rejected at one Cell Press journal, the Editor of that journal can, upon the author's request, make the reviews and reviewer identities available to the Editor of another Cell Press journal. Authors interested in pursuing this option should email the Editor of the second Cell Press journal directly. In many cases the second Editor will be able to reach a decision based on the advice of these reviewers. In some cases he/she may need to seek comments from additional reviewers. The authors are also free to submit the paper to another Cell Press title without mentioning the first review process, in which case the manuscript will be evaluated by the Editor and, as appropriate, reviewed independently without reference to the original reviews.


In the limited number of instances where a paper is potentially appropriate in scope for the readership of two different Cell Press titles, the Cell Press journals also offer authors a unique opportunity not provided by any other journal group to submit a manuscript for joint consideration at two journals at the same time. Authors interested in pursuing this option should please contact the Editors of both journals for further information.

Editorial Policies

Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that no part of the work has been published previously in print or electronic format and the paper is not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium. Prior publication could include, but is not limited to, deposition of all or part of the data in a publicly-accessible preprint or poster repository. Questions related to this policy should be directed to the editors. All in-press or submitted works that are pertinent to the manuscript under consideration by the journal (including those cited in the manuscript under consideration) must accompany the submission. Related manuscripts that have been submitted elsewhere during the period of revision, must accompany revised manuscripts. Failure to provide copies of related manuscripts under consideration elsewhere may delay the review process and may be grounds for rejection.  Under no circumstances will any paper be considered that contains any data that have been submitted for publication elsewhere.


The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate contributors are listed as authors and that all authors have agreed to the manuscript's content and its submission to Chemistry & Biology. In a case where we become aware of an authorship dispute, authorship must be approved in writing by all of the parties.

Conflict of Interest

Chemistry & Biology requires all authors to disclose any financial conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Authors must declare any such conflict in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript and in the Acknowledgments section of the manuscript itself. The corresponding author will be asked to sign a form on behalf of all the authors regarding potential conflicts of interest at the time of acceptance. As a guideline, any affiliation associated with a payment or financial benefit exceeding $10,000 p.a. or 5% ownership of a company or research funding by a company with related interests would constitute a conflict that must be declared. This policy applies to all submitted research manuscripts and review material. Examples of statement language include: AUTHOR is an employee and shareholder of COMPANY; AUTHOR is a founder of COMPANY and a member of its scientific advisory board; This work was supported in part by a grant from COMPANY.

Studies Involving Humans and Animals

For manuscripts reporting studies involving human subjects, statements identifying the committee approving the studies and confirming that informed consent was obtained from all subjects must appear in the Experimental Procedures section. All experiments on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates must be performed in accordance with relevant institutional and national guidelines and regulations. In the manuscript, a statement identifying the committee approving the experiments and confirming that all experiments conform to the relevant regulatory standards must be included in the Experimental Procedures section. The editors reserve the right to seek comments from reviewers or additional information from authors on any cases in which concerns arise.

Distribution of Materials and Data

One of the terms and conditions of publishing in Chemistry & Biology is that authors be willing to distribute any materials and protocols used in the published experiments to qualified researchers for their own use. Materials include but are not limited to cells, DNA, antibodies, reagents, organisms, and mouse strains or if necessary the relevant ES cells. These must be made available with minimal restrictions and in a timely manner, but it is acceptable to request reasonable payment to cover the cost of maintenance and transport of materials. If there are restrictions to the availability of any materials, data, or information, these must be disclosed in the cover letter and the Experimental Procedures section of the manuscript at the time of submission.

Nucleic acid and protein sequences, macromolecular structures determined by X-ray crystallography (along with structure factors), and microarray data must be deposited in the appropriate public database and must be accessible without restriction from the date of publication. An entry name or accession number must be included at the last paragraph of the Experimental Procedures section in the final version of the manuscript. Microarray data should be MIAME compliant.

In addition to the information that must be deposited in public databases as detailed above, authors are encouraged to contribute additional information to the appropriate databases. Authors are also encouraged to deposit materials used in their studies to the appropriate repositories for distribution to researchers.

Open Archive

Cell Press papers are freely available starting 12 months after publication.


Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. A form facilitating transfer of copyright will be provided upon acceptance of the manuscript. After transfer of copyright, authors retain rights as discussed below.

《chemistry & biology》作者须知:

make copies (print or electronic) of the article for your own personal use, including for your own classroom teaching use;

make copies and distribute such copies (including through e-mail) of the article to known research colleagues, for the personal use by such colleagues (but not for commercial purposes as described below);

post a revised personal version of the final text (including illustrations and tables) of the article (to reflect changes made in the peer review and editing process) on your personal or your institutional website or server, with a link (through the relevant DOI) to the article as published, provided that such postings are not for commercial purposes as described below. Please Note: Depositing in or posting to Special Repositories (such as PubMed Central or Institutional Repositories) is permitted only under specific agreements between Elsevier and the repository and only consistent with Elsevier’s policies concerning such repositories;

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include the article in full or in part in a thesis or dissertation (provided that this is not to be published commercially);

use the article or any part thereof in a printed compilation of your works, such as collected writings or lecture notes (subsequent to publication of the article in the journal); and

prepare other derivative works, to extend the article into book-length form, or to otherwise re-use portions or excerpts in other works, with full acknowledgement of its original publication in the journal.





  本文关键词:Chemistry & Biology,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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