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发布时间:2018-04-23 07:56

  本文选题:秦俑 + 雕塑手法的特点 ; 参考:《西安美术学院》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:秦兵马俑的出土,用数以千计的艺术造型丰富并传达了中国雕塑的表现手法。本文将从秦俑雕塑手法的研究入手,并结合作者在雕塑方面的实践经验,使优秀的传统塑造手法能够得到较为客观、真实地分析阐述,进而达到一定深度的理论层次。 文中共论述秦俑塑造手法十四种。其中堆、塑、捏、贴、刻、画六种手法为研究界公认的民间传统手法;围、削刮、挖、按压、拍打、抹、磨,这七种较为辅助的手法在文章中也有不同程度的论及;另外,还有作者新发现的一种手法——搓。总结发现得出秦俑雕塑手法有四个特点:模塑与手塑相结合;圆雕、浮雕、线刻相结合;雕塑与彩绘相结合;陶塑与大型独立雕塑相结合。前三个特点是前人总结得出的观点,后一个属于作者自己归纳总结的特点。 秦俑采用中国最传统的雕塑造型手法,并将各种手法进行自由组合、灵活搭配运用,创作了中国写实雕塑艺术之典范。论文突出秦俑雕塑中对前代造型特点与手法的继承,以及独特的审美情趣与鲜明的民族特色,从而启发今天的人们要学习传统,吸收传统,更要弘扬传统,使秦俑雕塑手法能够在当代雕塑创作中发挥作用。
[Abstract]:The unearthed terracotta warriors of the Qin Dynasty have enriched and conveyed the expression of Chinese sculptures with thousands of artistic forms. This paper will start with the study of the sculpture techniques of the terracotta warriors and combine with the author's practical experience in sculpture, so that the excellent traditional molding techniques can be analyzed and elaborated objectively and truthfully, thus reaching a certain depth of theoretical level. The Communist Party of China discusses 14 ways of shaping the terracotta warriors. Among them, heaps, molds, kneads, stickers, engravers and paintings are the traditional folk techniques recognized by the research community; the seven more auxiliary techniques, such as circumference, cutting, scraping, digging, pressing, beating, wiping and grinding, are also discussed to varying degrees in the article; in addition, There is also a new technique discovered by the author-rubbing. It is concluded that there are four characteristics in the sculpture of the terracotta warriors: the combination of molding and hand sculpture; the combination of round carving, relief and line carving; the combination of sculpture and painting; and the combination of pottery sculpture and large independent sculpture. The first three features are the opinions of predecessors, the latter one is the author's own. The terracotta warriors adopt the most traditional sculptural techniques in China and combine them freely and flexibly to create a model of Chinese realistic sculpture art. The paper highlights the inheritance of the features and techniques of the previous generation of the figurines, as well as the unique aesthetic taste and distinctive national characteristics, thus enlightening people today to learn, absorb and carry forward the tradition. So that the Qin figurines sculpture techniques can play a role in contemporary sculpture creation.


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