[Abstract]:Epic is a shining pearl in the history of human culture and a mirror to understand a nation's history, culture, customs and so on. The Mongol heroic epic is a classic work which reflects the northern nation, especially the Mongolian culture. This is an epic named after the protagonist. The moving story of the hero Jiang Gale and his lion heroes working together to build, defend and unify the holy land of Baomuba was formed hundreds of years ago among the Mongolian people of northern and southern Tianshan. As a Mongolians, I hope this great epic will spread more widely and have greater influence, so that people of different nationalities can also know and know the "Jangger". As a graduate student majoring in sculpture, he wants to use sculpture language to express "Jangger" so that those who do not understand Mongolian can enjoy this great epic work from their sculptures. Sculpture performance must pay attention to the following contents: first of all, it should show its grand momentum, as an epic sculpture works in form to show epic characters, momentum and grandeur. Secondly, it is necessary to construct his mythical atmosphere. Epic is different from history, it is ancient oral literature, he has a lot of wonderful mythological content, mythical image. So sculpture must show mythical color, let the work more magical, more rich. Again, eulogize heroes. The grandeur of the work and the amazing storyline are all the stories of these great warriors, who represent the images of the heroes of the Mongol ideal. Therefore, the soul of the epic is to sing praise to these heroes. Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, with a long history, Mongolian culture is an indispensable factor. The ancient art should not be forgotten in today's cultural construction, but should be combined with different arts such as sculpture and epic, so that Mongolian culture can be displayed in different forms on the historical stage.
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