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发布时间:2019-05-24 13:06
【摘要】:著名雕塑家吴为山先生曾说:人的本质精神,人文精神是入自尊的、诗意的栖居在大地上的脊椎所在。中国人文精神是中国雕塑的灵魂,雕塑脱离了神与魂,不过空壳而已。中国人文精神渗透于民族深层的历史文化积淀中,其核心是中国人的精神,人文精神是一种普遍的人类自我关怀,表现为对人的尊严、价值、命运的维护、追求和关切,对人类遗留下来的各种精神文化现象的高度珍视,对一种全面发展的理想人格的肯定和塑造;辜鸿铭将这精神概括为六个字:温良、灵敏、坚毅。它深刻的描述了儒、释、道文化熏染下中国人的人格特征。随着时代变迁,作为这片大地上的子孙,我们的生存、繁衍,当然的受到新基因的影响,然而“母亲”那优良的品质恰是我们做人的根本所在,一个民族的悲哀在于固步自封,然而更大的悲哀在于不能认识自身价值或否定它。我的导师殷小烽老师曾说:从本土文化这一领域来感受生活,是创作的最重要资源。作为年轻的一代,我们有责任将中华五千年的文明继承和发扬下去。因此,探究北方“索伦”人文精神在艺术创作中的体现是本文研究的重点之一。 地域辽阔、民族众多、历史悠久的中国,拥有极为丰富的宗教文化。自古以来,鄂温克族“索伦”的节日习俗情趣横生,奇妙浪漫,神秘莫测甚至离奇怪诞,在这帷幕之后,隐藏着极为丰富复杂的宗教思想,是一种名符其实的综合文化现象,作为一种传承文化,它的巨大传袭力顽强的制约着本民族,本地区人们在节日文化活动中的行为与意识。“索伦”先民在漫长的历史进程中形成的思想观念,积淀着先民的心理意识,表现出丰富多样的原始文化现象。而这种特殊条件下所产生的艺术作品,是不可能也不必要简单的用今天的科学知识去验证和评价。从“索伦”宗教文化研究入手,让“索伦”民族最本真的性情、气质、精神、文脉在当代艺术创作中呈现和传承,同时实现挖掘、复苏、唤醒、延伸北方“索伦”民族文化的价值与意义。因此,“索伦”宗教文化在艺术创作中的体现是本文研究的另一个重点。
[Abstract]:Mr. Wu Weishan, a famous sculptor, once said: the essential spirit of human beings, the humanistic spirit is into self-esteem, poetic living in the spine of the earth. Chinese humanistic spirit is the soul of Chinese sculpture, sculpture separated from God and soul, but empty shell. The humanistic spirit of China permeates the deep historical and cultural accumulation of the nation, the core of which is the spirit of the Chinese people, and the humanistic spirit is a kind of universal human self-care, which is manifested in the maintenance, pursuit and concern of human dignity, value and destiny. Highly cherished all kinds of spiritual and cultural phenomena left over by human beings, and affirmed and shaped an all-round development of ideal personality. Gu Hongming summed up this spirit into six words: gentle, sensitive and determined. It deeply describes the personality characteristics of Chinese people influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. With the change of times, as the descendants of this land, our survival, reproduction and, of course, are influenced by new genes. However, the excellent quality of "mother" is the foundation of our human beings, and the sorrow of a nation lies in being complacent. The greater sorrow, however, lies in the inability to recognize or deny one's own value. My mentor, Mr. Yin Xiaofeng, once said: feeling life from the field of local culture is the most important resource for creation. As a young generation, we have the responsibility to inherit and carry forward the five thousand years of Chinese civilization. Therefore, it is one of the key points of this paper to explore the embodiment of the humanistic spirit of Sauron in artistic creation in the north. China, which has a vast territory, many nationalities and a long history, has a very rich religious culture. Since ancient times, the festival customs of Ewenki "Soren" have been full of interest, wonderful romance, mystery and even grotesque. After this curtain, there are extremely rich and complex religious thoughts, which is a kind of comprehensive cultural phenomenon worthy of name. As a kind of inheritance culture, its great transmission power tenaciously restricts the behavior and consciousness of people in this area in holiday cultural activities. The ideas formed by the ancestors of Sauron in the long historical process accumulated the psychological consciousness of the ancestors and showed rich and diverse primitive cultural phenomena. However, it is impossible and unnecessary to use today's scientific knowledge to verify and evaluate the works of art produced under this special condition. Starting with the study of "Sauron" religious culture, the most true temperament, spirit and context of the "Sauron" nation can be presented and inherited in contemporary art creation, and the excavation, recovery and awakening can be realized at the same time. The value and significance of extending the national culture of "Sauron" in the north. Therefore, the embodiment of Soren religious culture in artistic creation is another focus of this paper.


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