本文关键词:唐末王贞白诗歌论稿 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Wang Zhenbai, a word, Xinzhou Shangrao (now Jiangxi Guangfeng) people, early in the Jiangxi Mount Lu Wulaofeng Bailudong college to study, after Beijing Fukao, qianning two years (AD 895 years) the board examination, after the award collator. Although the political corruption, frequent wars, the dark society so downhearted. The seclusion of the book, no longer do Paul, died in my hometown. As a poet, Wang Zhenbai is certain enjoy poetry, but did not receive appropriate attention. In this paper, on the basis of previous research results, further data collection, strive to do a comprehensive research on Wang Zhenbai, in order to make up the blank circles in this area in this paper. It is divided into two parts. The first part mainly discusses Wang Zhenbai's life and poetry, is divided into three chapters: the first chapter is mainly on the historical discrimination, place of birth, birth year, official experience, experience into the comb; the second chapter mainly Wang Zhen Bai finishing poetry. First of all, to spread love poems Inspect the condition and secondly, on the poetry version; record information collection; again, Mr. Tong in the medium < Full Tang out garbled "a book on the basis of the test, to identify controversial poems, and clear its ownership. The third chapter mainly analyzes the poetry text, expounds two aspects of the subject and artistic characteristics. On the theme of the content, including the frontier poetry, chanting poetry, parting poem, to clear the change of thought and value orientation. The poet's artistic features in two aspects mainly analyzes the poetry style and expression, his poems appear moist and elegant, plain leisurely two kinds of style, the performance of hand rule focuses on words. By law and allusions, try to restore the true style of Wang Zhenbai poetry. The poetry of Wang Zhenbai is the school note. This part is the detailed proof of poetry based on the existing version, and the words in the poems. The annotation should be detailed and clear, in order to provide a reference for the research on the text.
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